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Goalie Halloween Costumes Anyone?


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This may be just me but every year on the practice just before Halloween, I wear some sort of costume with my goalie gear. I put out a thread a while ago about Kit Kat goalie pads. I'm sad to say I didn't have the time and/or the will power to complete that plan. I still got a costume together though.

Me and my Varsity goalie partner decided to go to practice as Thing 1 and Thing 2. We got some pretty basic jerseys printed up but that's hardly the best part. We got blue wigs to zip tie to our helmets!

Here's mine on the Hackva helmet I have:


For some odd reason the camera really made the blue pop. Yes, that's XPF Poron custom fit into the helmet. *You see nothing in the background heh heh*

And here's the jerseys:


As I said, not much to look at jersey-wise.

I hope I'm not the only one doing this sort of thing

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Last year I was out running and stepped in a hole, messing up my ankle royally. I needed something for the trick or treaters, so I pulled out my old gear that hadn't been worn in 22 years and played wounded goalie. I never put the gear away after that, the ankle healed and I am playing 3-4 times per week. Funny ol' world.


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