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2 hours ago, bunnyman666 said:

But mine has the Invisitek graphics; does yours?

Mine has super original graphic made personaly by manufacturer, but it is so top secret that nobody can see it actualy without the sight of Superman ;) .

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On 10/30/2017 at 6:30 PM, bunnyman666 said:

Many of us have a paint job inspired by Jack’s “White Cows Eating Mashmallows in a Snow Storm” and “Ninjas in the Night Blindfolded” that Jack Krap came up with first! Just remember that!

My version of “White Cows Eating Marshmallows in a Snow Storm”: 


And you chose your Trademark White to paint it with, great choice! I thought you might go with one of your other trademarked colours, like black or red.

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Monster's newest mask and Anderson's newest I think are both amazing. I'd love a mask with that style, a tonne of details but the design is still noticeable from a distance.

As for Hanks chrome mask, it looks pretty cool on tv. The chrome part that is not really the details.

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