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How often do you replace gear?


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Title says it all, really. When do you know your gear is due for a replacement?

I've got a spreadsheet (😎) that I track all of my gear purchases in over time, including when I buy things or do refurbs (like foam replacement in masks). My glove and blocker are holding up fine and I usually have a read on those (stingers and bad/dead rebounds), but my pads I'm not entirely sure on.

I'm currently using Warrior G3 Srs I got in October 2018, and put about 2-3x a week on consistently except for that pesky March 2020-July 2021 layoff. They feel "okay" but a bit floppy. I'm not sure if the gear craving or an overreaction to a bad game last night is more the issue, ha.

How do you tell, and how often do you replace?

Edited by indykrap
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For pads, it depends on what you like and how they are holding up. If you prefer a stiff pad, when they get too soft or bendy is a good sign, although today's pads seem stiff forever. If they had tons of repairs and you're now knee deep in duck tape, it might be time.

As for the rest of the gear, it's all about safety, protection. If you get hurt or bruised every single game, it's time for upgrades.

Some guys have had the same pads and gloves for decades and aren't ready to change. I've worn a Brown chest pad for a decade and could of still rocked it maybe another 10 had I not bought something else at that time.

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Leg pads and gloves about 3-4 years. Chest a little longer, 4-6 years. Pants, as long as they are still in one piece, depends how well they are made, around 3-6 years. Skates and helmet maybe 10 years. Did I miss anything? Oh, jock, I don't wear one, I got balls of steel.

That's based on playing 2-3x per week for 7-8 months of the year (and pro gear). Now that I'm playing less, time before buying new gear will increase I guess.. unless I see some shiny new gear I really want ;)

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Those of us playing lower league juniors such as NA3HL tend to replace our glove, pads, and blocker every year or so. But we’re also on the ice for an 1.5 to 2 hours every day with frequent 3 game weekends. Chest protectors get replaced about every 3-4 years from what I’ve heard. And the pants, well let’s just say there’s a guy wearing 8800s on my team. Plus quite a few teams in the NA3HL provide team pants rather than shells. Keep in mind leagues like NA3HL and USPHL Premier/Elite are still pay to play which is why we don’t change gear as often as preferred, we have to pay for a season too. 

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Hardly ever. Maybe a stick here and there, but my main setup hasn't changed in a few years. And before the switch, I rocked the same set for almost 10 years. I play in my gear until I absolutely need to switch. 

I'll probably be in my current Premier setup for 8-10 more years or so and reevaluate then. I feel no reason to switch it up (stiffness in pads and protection with C/A is fine) and i'm not made of money haha. 

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Thanks for the reminder that I need to replace my knee pads.  I find these to be the gear in need of replacing the most often and mine are due.  They are not as cushiony as they were and I felt a shot on the thigh part the other day, which never happens.  It didn't hurt or bruise, just felt it.

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If not changing colors for a team, I only replace stuff when I can no longer repair it. I have updated every piece of equipment within the past three years with the exception of my blocker, which is on year 8 and should really be replaced. I have a new one on order but with current supply chain funny business, I'll be happy if it shows up by the end of the season (I ordered the thing in July)

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1 hour ago, goalie said:

I guess "replace" is the key word.

All the gear whores on here don't replace, just add.

What can I say I like cycling back and forth between a JRZ set and a CCM set. I feel it helps me focus on improving my own abilities rather than relying more on my gear to stop the puck. That said the game setup will most likely be a G5 glove with an EFlex 5 blocker and Fusion leg pads. 

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For pads and gloves, I can't recall ever waiting until they actually need replacing. I probably average under a year between sets, other than my current set which I've had for 21 months, albeit many of those months were non-playing months due to closures. 

Everything else I basically just hang onto until I start feeling the puck too much or a piece is falling apart too much to bother repairing. 


@indykrap if you happen to be short like me and want a G4 set in about as neutral a colour as you can get, I've got a set for sale (shameless plug!).

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Depends on the piece, I sorta went through a lot of gear recently having upgraded from 2007ish gear to modern, which meant trying some new stuff out.  Now I am pretty happy with all my pieces so probably will only purchase the odd mask here and there that I say I will refurb, but really itll just sit there.

I am still rocking a Maltese GPS from 2005 and a Simmons Air Cup from 2007.



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16 minutes ago, insertnamehere said:

For pads and gloves, I can't recall ever waiting until they actually need replacing. I probably average under a year between sets, other than my current set which I've had for 21 months, albeit many of those months were non-playing months due to closures. 

Everything else I basically just hang onto until I start feeling the puck too much or a piece is falling apart too much to bother repairing. 


@indykrap if you happen to be short like me and want a G4 set in about as neutral a colour as you can get, I've got a set for sale (shameless plug!).

Thought that might pop up! Too short for me unfortunately. Nice set though!

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I am in the “add gear” category.

I did retire my Protechsport mask when I got my bell rung. The mask probably is still good, but I lost faith in it when my ears rang for well over an hour and I felt kinda pukey. I am not in the “this helmet is bad because I got a concussion” club by any means. 
I replace sticks often. 

I mainly replace jock straps and cups. Now it’s becoming increasingly more difficult to find an old school jock strap, so I gotta baby those. I upgraded to a Nutshellz Law Enforcement rated cup, and it has taken BOMBS. That cup will probably not be replaced.
I still have my first chesty. I am actually going to “Frank” it out so it can be used again. This was given to me for Christmas many years back, and it’s decent. It’s a senior Vaughn. Slap new arms on it and it will be fine. 

I rotate through a LOT of gear. Some I sell off, others are given away or even just forgotten. I also have a boneyard of sorts, with parts ready to be installed onto gear for modding or repairs. I am always trying to come up with the “ultimate” whatever, so I like having stuff on hand.

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Typically every 3-5 years. But now that I have 2 mortgages (3rd on the way, i'm a slum lord, what can I say), probably just use whatever I have till each piece falls apart and replace/repair as needed. 

And I play 3-5x a week... sooooo yeah. 

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A while back I would begin to put together a new set of gear whenever an attractive alternative came upon the scene. We were able to pay a visit to one of the better sports shops in town and try on the new stuff, no chance of a test drive.

Next step, start working some overtime shifts. FACT OF LIFE  New gear is always expensive. Fortunately, my job required every work position to be staffed so a few double time OT shifts make for a decent down payment.

Again, I got to live in some terrific hockey towns throughout Ontario;  Ottawa (67’s), Oshawa (Generals), Cornwall (Royals) and Kitchener-Waterloo (Rangers). Each had a few places where we could order off the shelf because they actually had stock. Or, even us has-been, never-was goaltenders could custom order from Vaughn, Cooper Custom Pro Shop, Brian’s, John Brown Sports, Mitchell, Boddam and later, Scott Battram (who made the all leather gear that I am wearing) well, maybe not right now ….. you know.

At times it didn’t work out as hoped. One time I dropped off a set of Cooper GP95L’s that needed restuffing. The Cooper Head Office was a 65 minute drive from home. At my insistence, they stuffed so much deer hair into my pads that the knee rolls resembled plump Oktoberfest sausages. With maximum effort I could barely bend those pads.

I found this hockey shop in Hamilton. They had loads of the latest everything. I ordered a new Vaughn Trapper (yup, you know the model, still have it) and a Gumby Blocker. They were no longer crafting their family goalie gear, Kenesky’s.

Then I discovered BROWN gear. My first set of John’s were off the shelf, all black and felt like marshmallows whilst playing. This was late 80’s, more overtime. 

Shit, I talk too much. Just thought of one more pearl of wisdom. Pay cash. I only had a bank account with our hand written balance. My O/T cheque never made it home. Today, good Q@#$&*” luck.

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