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WTB: Full Right Sticks

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Where is a good place to look for full right sticks? My paddle size is 26", though I might be able to get away with a 25.5" or a 25", depending on the manufacturer. I've been looking on Pure Goalie, Goalie Monkey, and Sideline Swap. There, I've been able to find sticks for $85 and $95 (slightly more expensive than regular sticks).

The only other real options are Facebook (I'm not sure if anyone has any sticks available there), or the pro stock/custom route. On Facebook, more people are willing to part with full right gloves than full right sticks. 

For right now, after I get full right gloves, I might try playing with a regular stick turned backwards until I get an actual FR or no-curve stick. 

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Thanks for the advice. I've found sticks on Sideline Swap and on Facebook, and I'm hoping I get paid soon so I can get 2. I thought I'd be a reverse Matt Dalton, because he used full right sticks facing backwards to make saves, and flipped them forwards to shoot, but it seems that was a silly idea, even sillier than playing full right as a righty.

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