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Moose75 last won the day on March 17 2019

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  1. Too many teams in the league too. It's not American business friendly, but they should have made relegation a thing like the SHL.
  2. My little guy. He's quite out there; an eclectic master of interesting sounds, sadistic bug torturing, mooching, and sitcom entrances. Thus we named him Cosmo, after Kramer from Seinfeld.
  3. Oddly enough on Goalie Monkey. https://www.goaliemonkey.com/equipment/sticks/sr-goalie-sticks/ccm-goalie-stick-pro-return-premier-2-sr.html
  4. Moving into the 21st century of gear with a composite stick. Yes, hell froze over and I'm trying one. Wanted to go with a bigger paddle since I'm gonna have taller steel soon, but why is a 25'' CCM this much bigger than what I have? I always though they were 26'' lol. Looks like a 24-ish by comparison. Explains a lot. EDIT: I just noticed it says "RIP". That's an ominous sign.
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