Ditched the pad/blocker a little while back (and sold the home that picture was taken in)
Was very comfortable in the original GSX, and demo'd both Hyperlite 2 and Shadow lines over summer - decided to just go cheap with GSX Gen 2 Sz Sr S along with a used Mach blocker off Marketplace.
Had my toe ties (TGN spec Prolaces with a 2" lace slack) a tad too loose, as I had it set to the internal offset. The Cortech on the Stabiliflex Knee block and calf plate are very welcome additions. I do not feel the need for PPF on these pads. Stability was fantastic with the integrated one piece Stabiliflex knee block - created for a great seal to the ice, and never felt like I was slipping off.
Lightweight, straighter, and thinner than the original GSX, but still very flexible overall. Thighrise does not interfere whatsoever unlike the 7X3's I was previously in. Black straps and darker grey nylon is a very welcome addition as well to prevent puck marks dirtying up some of the white previously on the back of the pad. Strapping has changed on the GSX2 compared to the original, with the straps coming around from the outside of the inner calf wrap compared to inside previously. Adjustment is different, and essentially uses the TuneFit 2.0 seen on the Hyperlite/2 compared to on the original GSX which is moreorless what you found on the original Vapor 1X which i've had lots of experience with as well.
Rebounds were decently hot - moreso than that of the 7X3.
Here is a TRUE Catalyst 7X3 Pad Review (there will be a full video review uploaded at some point, as we did record one, but here's a lower level shinny footage (and my terrible goaltending) that accompanies it):
- Pad sealing and stability is amazing, Knee block, for a lace in design was decently solid. Rebounds didn't kick terribly far out.
- The sliding material... Fast Glide... One word: Terrible. Other reviews have stated as such, but I cannot overstate this from my end. To even get somewhat decent sliding I had PPF applied on the knee wing, as well as the correspending area on the gusset.
- FRS strapping is the best in the business. Nothing else comes close. Adjusting it so you have it at the same length each time, everytime is amazing. The way it hugs your legs, even if the rest of you feels unloved, the way it caresses your leg more than makes up for it.
- Very stiff from the knee up - this is common amongst the entire lineup, this is great for most folks, however I don't have the hip flexibility to make it work for my advantage. It felt clunky in my skating as well as I consistently had the thighrises interfere with one another.
- Blocker I played great in, probably the piece that made the most saves. Excellent balance, middling pop and nothing special on the palm material. Took a couple ouchies to the fingers (included a black pinky for 3 months). Oddly enough first ever blocker I've felt the puck through the board on making saves.