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loki1416 last won the day on December 20 2020

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    Athens, AL

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  1. I'm an hour south of Nashville, ever want to come down here for some fun I'll put you on the ice for something. From what I've been told, a lot of the rinks there have a wait list, even for goalies. So when you decide what rink is closer, get your name on that list asap.
  2. @ThatCarGuy Hell yeah man, good luck!
  3. I know there's a brew fest tourny in Nashville every summer and you get free cases of beer. Havn't been to one in forever that was sponsered like your asking.
  4. Back when I had that injury, I was still a skater. A skaters boot has a bit more ankle support than a goalie skate, but I never risked it. Waited not only until the doc said I was 100% but until I felt I was. Sadly, that is a long healing process. With how bad walking hurt, couldn't imagine trying to skate on it. At the time I was in the military and soon as the doc cleared me, that gets sent up the chain and my LT decided I was healthy enough to do my physical fitness test and couldn't understand why running hurt. Think that's what made it longer before I skated again.
  5. For player and goalie, I have a spare set of steel in my bag. I would rather have it available and not need it, than need it and not have it. I've only ever switched my blades once (goalie) when I was driven into the post so hard it put a dent in the edges. Could barely skate on that blade. Burnt our only timeout to swap the blades and was right back into the game. Plus, it's nice to drop a set off to the proshop and put my others in. When the ones on the skate need work, I always swap out. Don't want one set getting wore down and the other being nice and new, throwing off my game. Both sets are kept as close as possible.
  6. Congrats @coopaloop1234
  7. Loki was a nickname I got in the AF because of the practical jokes I did all the time. The "14" part was my number, after I got 14 stitches playing pond hockey and had been my number ever since. "16" was from my junior year because a senior had 14 so he got it first and I had to pick something else.
  8. Thats whats I's appreciates abouts ya
  9. loki1416

    Goalie Camps

    @ilyazhito Anything I can find is all for youth. Did find one that was adults, goalies skate for free, but get NO instruction. Personally, I'd say do the Warriors camp. It's fun, hard, and very informative.
  10. I've used Captodor equipment spray for about 3yrs now. Love this stuff. My gear doesn't smell and the product itself leaves no smell. Use if for everything hockey related.
  11. Tuuka has announced his retirement after trying to come back from hip surgery. https://www.nhl.com/news/bruins-tuukka-rask-status-retirement-report/c-330618944
  12. We always gave the new guy the snow shovel to act as a goalie stick. Yes, we were mean. Freaking funny when the puck would ramp up into their chest! (this was pond hockey)
  13. Ours is like @WillyGrips13 said. From noon to 9pm, both surfaces are running beer league. It's all they do on sunday. There are a few leagues that choose to play on a weekday, but THEY chose that, knowing the times they would get.
  14. I've only ever used the Apple watch with the hockey tracker app. So because of that, I can't compare to anything else. But I think it does a pretty good job. I have noticed that if I leave the phone in my truck, some stats get a bit screwy, so I started taking it (phone) to the bench and my tracking has been a lot better.
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