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Math. last won the day on November 30 2020

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  • Leg Pads
    Bauer One.5
  • Glove
    Reebok P4 14k 590 break
  • Blocker
    Bauer One.7
  • Chest & Arm Protector
    Vaughn Epic 8000
  • Pants
    CCM Pro return
  • Mask
    Bauer Profile 940
  • Stick
    CCM 860 Price
  • Skates - Boot
    Bauer Performance
  • Skate - Cowling
    Bauer Performance
  • Skates - Blades
    Bauer Performance
  • Knee Pads
    CCM Senior
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    Warrior Rirtual Pro

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  1. Put a piece of the fluf velcro over what's left exposed, seems it would solve the problem.
  2. The design isn't new, the guy just builds them stronger than any other one. Some people will argue it's good, some will argue it's bad. Bottom line is, try one for yourself, I personally bought one and loved it so much I bought 4 more and now swear by them. Every mask that enters my rotation gets one by default.
  3. What @RichMan said. It's pretty much how I started and can confirm that it still is that way. Be dependable, stay modest, show up on time and ready and you'll soon become a regular call-up, probably even just a regular period. Also, as long as you are able to manage expectations, don't be afraid to take games that you feel are above your level. For one thing, even if you get lit up, you'll definitely be improving, and you'll soon relaize that higher level also means better player & more backcheck. Essentially, stay square and you'll be left with the easy save most of the time. Having played 10 years of inline you probably already knew that but it's my experience and I just wanted to throw it out there in case you felt the transition "hurts" your game more than you'd like.
  4. Hadn't posted in a while, thought that game went particularly well so thought I'd share. Glove hand was swallowing everything in sight, rebound control was about as good as I can muster, reaction time was good too, overall a pretty solid game. What I found growing older (and covid forcing a break on everything) is that I tend to get in less than optimal shape leading me to be more patient before I move which is a good thing. Move less, let them make the first move. Cheers!
  5. Marketplace.
  6. A Hadn't played in WAY too long. Think I moved decent considering how long I was off for. Oh and by he way, HI @bunnyman666 !!
  7. When you be checking if the in net cam is working, and it happens to be still working, makes for a great screengrab! (was trying to catch the blinking of the red light on my stick if it makes any sense).
  8. So, covid break hit hard on the cardio. Game 2 back on the ice since last fall, could have been better, could have been worst!
  9. Little 3 on 3 of forever ago that I never posted here. Figured it might keep some people entertained. Cheers.
  10. @ser33 man, that's what you call "In general working condition"?! Those arms look thrashed. Tell me you took a knife to it before taking the pictures!
  11. And then if we're going to go overkill, why not go the extra mile right?! Added extra padding to the throat protector. 1/4" foam, held in place w/ 3 patches of velcro. Probably should have punched holes in the foam to help w/ ventilation but I tought about it afterwards and I don't feel like unstitching and restiching the thing, I'll see how it works once on the ice. The good thing is I planned this much ahead and put the soft part of the velcro on the existing bib, so can still be used as originaly made w/out tearing holes in my base layer.
  12. They've been there for years and never moved. Those are cheap boards that came with cheap pads and the attachment point was made w/ velcro. I bascially just stuck the sticky side of the velcro to the mesh type fabric on the upper arm. The soft side of the velcro being up, it helps the inner elbow pads sliding onto it and not interfering. Honnestly, I couldn't have designed it better, it really worked out good the way they were made.
  13. Please do and be welcome to ask questions on the process I went through or pitch ideas. I'm also following your VE8 thread. The whole idea about these mods was to avoid spending on a new CA altogether. I was at a point where I had worked to make the unit fit well and really appreciate the mobility, coverage is very good considering I'm built on a small frame but protection was lacking a little in some areas. Didn't want to spend the money but mostly, didn't wanted to have to adjust to a new unit. I remember seeing the double floaters mod somewhere on this board and wanted to give it a try. Not having an extra CA on hand, I just built something that I thought would work and it really did make a significant difference. All for about 13$ total! For the thigh board idea, I see we think much alike has I did the exact same thing to mine using the boards that came with my first set of pads.
  14. Thanks. It's not the prettiest job but it does the trick. Can't wait to give it a try, see if I lost any mobility and if so, how much.
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