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Posts posted by Dee

  1. What? No big Boston goalie hug at the end?  Disappointing....

    Good riddance. 

    Florida vs Rangers for the east as it should be.  

  2. On 8/7/2023 at 6:20 PM, Chenner29 said:

    Hey, following up on this.  Just talked to my guy, said he's ok with letting this go.  I'll probably pick it up tomorrow from him and can PM you pics and details then.


    On 8/7/2023 at 6:46 PM, con50582 said:

    Did the ccm find a new home?

  3. Yeesh.  Don't think anyone would have said it would be 6-1 Vegas end of the second.  
    Im not blaming bob entirely but he's been dreadful in the series with goals going under and through. Plus he's downright awful up high.  Does bob play low too much? He's incredibly athletic and makes crazy saves but I'm not sure the consistency is there.  
    Then again, I'm fat and old and get winded walking up the stairs...

  4. I'm thinking Vegas gets er done tonight.  I think they're the better team, have WAY more composure and are less banged up. 
    Cats emptied the tank getting here and it doesn't look like they have anything left.  Pretty much literally.  
    Hopefully we have an entertaining game and a remarkable story for a modern era expansion team who's had tremendous success.  

    (As a leafs fan it kinda makes me sick to see how far we STILL are from this level of compete....)

  5. * trigger warning - post contains grumpy old man thoughts.

    Cats really need tkachuk to stop being sideshow bob, play some damn hockey, help his team. 
    His "tough guy" 2 year old act is so done.  

    Now where did I leave my glasses.....

    • Like 3
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  6. Wow! Fla vs Vegas for the Cup. Whoddathunkit? 

    When the playoffs started I was half serious when I said to my brother, "what's the point of even playing the games? Just give the Cup to Boston". Man I love when I'm wrong. (happens often) 

    • Like 1
  7. My own beloved Anrmadilla.  Custom paint and fit signed by Don.  Went to his shop in Cambridge a couple of times.  Guy is an engineering genius who was way ahead of the curve. For those who don't know, he got out of hockey and brought many of his brilliant ideas to Nascar.  
    To this day he's the only manufacturer I know who put a rubber u-channel around the mask edge.  I have put this on all my masks since then.  

    *Note the cozy flannel lining in the custom mask bags he also made.  Guy was a perfectionist. 



    • Like 4
  8. Hey fellas. Reviving this for a quick question. Couldn't find this elsewhere so here goes. 
    I understand that bobrovsky shaved down his paddle.  Does anyone reliably know if he also shortened the length of the shaft? 

    For myself, I tower at 5'9 and am thinking of going to an intermediate 23".  Seems to me like it would accomplish the same objective as Bob but without all this shaving down business.  I'm also notoriously "unreliable" with power tools in my hands...


  9. Fwiw, every time I see Jack mopping up for skinner, who has given up some astonishingly bad goals, I can't help wondering why they don't come back with jack.  Saw this in an article which seems to verify what I've casually observed. 

    "While a smaller sample size, Campbell's numbers are better than Skinner's and it's not particularly close. Campbell has a .947 save percentage and a goals-against average of 1.53. Skinner has a .888 save percentage and a goals-against of 3.60"

    • Like 1
  10. 13 minutes ago, RedX said:

    Or the V9 which was essentially identical. I only mention it because I feel like you can see the blue of V9 logo.

    Plus the grey straps so yes, V9? 


  11. 45 minutes ago, Zip said:

    Has anyone found that going from a G3/4/5 to the G6+ a bit of a weird experience?


    I had the G4 gloves - in the 6's now. 
    I love the trapper and find it a modest improvement to the G4 which I thought was a puck hoover! 

    I honestly prefer the G4 blocker though. Wish I had kept mine but who can possibly play with a mixed set??? ;) Can't quite put my finger on it but it somehow feels constricted in comparison.  

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