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Bauer Konekt first thoughts.

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Just got the HF2 model. I got measured at the store and my feet are wide but he said my feet are basically between wide and normal. He baked them and when I put them on, they felt awful. As time went on, they felt better and better as they molded to my foot. I wasn’t expecting to get new skates that day but they felt so good that I bought them right away. 

I was warned about the bottom buckle popping open or breaking but was told that a college goalie had his break and all he did was tape it and it lasted him the whole year. They said I could preemptively tape it which some guys have done and they haven’t had a problem. 

First skate was alright but unfortunately I had them on too loose. 
2nd skate in them was amazing. They’re the comfiest skate I’ve ever been in. tightness was perfect and never changed throughout the game. 

my old skates with laces would often start out too tight and then feel better as the game went on. Or they’d start out great and then get too loose even with new waxed laces 


My feet must be very different because I go to the 2nd rung on the right skate for the bottom and top buckle. Left skate I got to 3 on the bottom buckle and 4 on the top buckle and both skates feel like they’re the same tightness.


It’s honestly the best purchase I’ve made for goaltending. Being comfy on your feet is a game changer and I’ve never felt comfortable in skates  until now.  

Just thought I’d leave this review  here in case you’re on the fence. Very happy so far. 


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Glad to hear you like them. 

Are the buckles twisted to the same spot on both skates? If they are it’s either your feet are completely different like you said, or they could have just been baked at different tightness’s. Like mine the top straps were different when I baked them, so they feel different when they are set at the same spot. 

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2 hours ago, Hockey34 said:

Glad to hear you like them. 

Are the buckles twisted to the same spot on both skates? If they are it’s either your feet are completely different like you said, or they could have just been baked at different tightness’s. Like mine the top straps were different when I baked them, so they feel different when they are set at the same spot. 

The guy who helped me with the process had them at the same tightness including the top buckles twisted to the same tightness.  He just had them really tight. 

I just think my feet are different. 

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