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Posts posted by bunnyman666

  1. Quote

    Also knowing a number of one-hit-wonders from the '70s never hurts either. For some reason that decade spawned a disproportionate number of them

     A fewTV specials, as well!!! The beginning of celebrity inhabited game shows! Saturday Night Special, anyone? I was in North America for a good portion of the '70s before spending most of the '80s in ol' Blighty! 

    Of course the '70s also spawned trading cards for EVERYTHING! I still remember where I was when Elvis died, and remember my Dad saying "this stuff is going to be worth something some day". 

    "Magimucil" not so much. I am unfortunately having a real problem that has kept me off of the ice for two weeks :(

  2. 1 hour ago, Hockey School Dropout said:

    Wow, that was gross.

    Suddenly I feel very "at home".

    One of the tests of being in the club is comfort in talking doctors, medications, and whether or not you're having smooth BM's. 

  3. 2 hours ago, TheGoalNet said:

    Thanks to all the new members recently

    Don't hesitate to click a banner or two and "support" our sponsors. This site costs more than you'd think to run every month and a couple extra clicks help a lot! I am not out to make a profit, just want to break even on our hosting costs on a consistent basis

    I understand banner ads are kid of a nuisance, but I hope you can appreciate the request!!! 

    I even bought from a banner ad; but I had issues with them. They are on their way to resolving the issues.

    Pro tip: sometimes you can occasionally get a really good coupon code for places you already shop from the banner ads.

  4. 9 hours ago, jayluv54 said:

    I don't have any experience with her, just saying, I know she works with Protech.  I'm not much for getting stuff painted, but I've talked with Tony Jarrett (masked expressions) a couple of times, seems like a good guy and local for me.

    That's why I went for vinyl-

    cheaper and faster lead times!

  5. 34 minutes ago, TitanG said:

    I looked up the Poron XRD website and it's now simply XRD so it could be rebranding from them. It still sort of seems like a different foam since the yellow Poron XRD in the player helmets looks injection molded and has a smooth surface (I think it was because it is open cell foam and would absorb more sweat otherwise) whereas the XRD in the mask looks like a traditional foam. It could all just be appearance and truly be the same, though.

    I know you could not tell Poron you were using their foam for hockey as they would not sell it to you. 


  6. 15 hours ago, TitanG said:

    Is there a material difference between Poron XRD and simply XRD foam (other than marketing)?

    When Bauer originally came out with the RE-AKT player helmet, they advertised (and still do) that it contained Poron XRD foam. But in the more recent RE-AKT 200 player helmet and the 960 XPM mask, they both advertise XRD foam, excluding the Poron name. To me, it seems like XRD foam is just a type of memory foam similar to the original 960 VN foam, and not so dense as the yellow Poron XRD or Flexorb foams.

    Yeesh, marketing makes this so confusing...

    Me thinks there was a departure from the Poron name. They aren't paying to license that name, it sounds. 

  7. Quote

    Hold on there @bunnyman666 ! You know from the discussion at the last executive meeting it's a sliding scale: the farther you are below 50, the grumpier you have to be. Now I realize that not everyone can excel in both fields the way I have, but @Mike24, what are you bringing to the table here? I mean, can you provide us with an example of a good rant that will bump you up in the "Grumpy"column???? Bear in mind with your low age, you are going to have to rant at a level that would cause most people to spontaneously combust, so, yeah, bring your game face and bring it on....

    Trying to get a bit of activity here! 

    Besides- he may out grumpy the grumpiest of grumps! After all- he exhibited the very first trait of old manliness: not understanding why Dave Art is so wonderful and wanting to go back to the simplicity of '90s masque paint schemes! The young whipper snappers think DaveArt is da bomb!!!!

    This fiber stuff is not working!!!!

    • Like 1
  8. 41 minutes ago, TheGoalNet said:

    I honestly don't mind it. I think it makes sense to only have 1 brand. Think about how many brands GM had and now they are down to 3. The lines are blurred too much these days and it's too hard to establish unique brand identities for 6 brand names. 

    At one point, The Hockey Company had CCM, Koho, Jofa, Titan, Canadian, and Heaton!!! 

    With that said... I think CCM for forward gear and Koho for goalies could work well. Try and establish Koho as goalie only focused company like Vaughn. That's also kinda the point of keeping the Lefevre name alive though too. 

    Edit: Maybe CCM for Forwards and Lefevre for goalies!!! 

    Of course I miss the days of the ones you had mentioned as independent brands! But it's just a sign of the times.

  9. 12 minutes ago, Mike24 said:

    I agree without the Koho name. It's like what was the point.  

    I am peeved about the loss of Koho, Jofa, Canadien, D&R, and the like. The product landscape is ubiquitous and boring.

  10. 2 hours ago, TheGoalNet said:

    I bet the Revolution pad dies after a half a year, if not two months. That line is HORRENDOUSLY BORING without the Koho name, and even before that, it was an ABONIATION of the Koho name!!!

    I corrected it for you...

  11. 5 hours ago, Hills said:

    Nice, mine is mid next month! Can't wait but my summer season will be over :(

    I have not heard how hard it is to get replacement cages, but I think I will order at least one when my production gets in the queue.

    But just think- for winter, you will have your masque!

  12. 1 hour ago, TitanG said:

    Here is a description of his mask shapes. This is a bit out of date because he now also has a clone of the Bauer/Itech 961. So as far as I can tell his unique shells are:

    - Brodeur (designed by Michel Lefevbre)

    - Roy (designed by Michel Lefevbre)

    - Belfour (designed by Michel Lefevbre but with triangular vents, in my view not as close to a Harrison as a Warwick or Eddy)

    - Theodore et al. (designed by Michel Lefevbre)

    - Bauer/Itech 961 (clone of Jerry Wright's design)

    Basically if he names anyone other than Roy or Brodeur, it will look like a Theodore/Luongo/Giguere Protechsport mask (i.e. the classic three ear-hole Lefevre design). Every name is just a different size basically, so like a 961 clone and a Luongo are each just one size.

    Caveat: I have never ordered from him but this is how I understand it to be.

    I guess because I am a lifetime member of the Combo Wearing Dork Club, I never really paid attention. I decided either Roy or Brodeur. I liked them the best. I had to see them with no paint schemes to figure out what I wanted. 


  13. 18 hours ago, TheGoalNet said:

    I'm confused. What do you mean what shells he sells? 

    Do you mean it's more unclear which shell you are getting?

    He just gives goalie names; that doesn't mean spit to me. Is it a Warwick, Harrison, CCM or Bauer/Itech? I have no clue!

    And to add- I will not know what shell I can fit into UNTIL he does the positive head cast, and that's when he starts. Again- pro level protection starting at a lexan price.; what is there REALLY to complain about? 

    But as I say- Michel is so fantastic that this is not much of a criticism. 

  14. On 7/5/2017 at 11:19 PM, TitanG said:

    He makes a clone of the Bauer 961 so I wonder if he'll clone the CCM masks too? Also, I'm sure if you went full custom he'd be able to clone one.

    If I had one criticism, it's not that he is entirely clear with which shells he actually sells. It could be the language barrier. But this is minor. I guess since I have not asked the right questions, I don't quite know what he sells. I also can't name shell shapes, it's embarrassing! Roy's is so distinctive compared to the others!  They kind of all look the same to me, especially with paint on them. Like I say- very minor criticism. So far- I have been very happy with how Michel has dealt with me. 

    When he does my positive face cast, I will ask him to show me pix of all of the shells my head fits into. 

    I also got the news that my helmet will be started this time next month. 

  15. 22 minutes ago, Ghostender said:

    I don't know how a steel needle from a sewing machine would fare. I recall one of the fibers (can't recall if it is CF) is very difficult to cut with (regular scissors) and dulls them pretty quickly.

    According to wiki, sewing machine needles are made of " hardened chrome-plated steel, though certain specialty needles are coated with titanium rather than chrome." The other concern may be splitting the CF with the needle (perhaps specialized needle shapes are used?)

    Don't know if anyone out there has experience putting a needle through CF.

    There would actually be holes to sew through, just like on HDPE for certain parts like player shin guards. A needle could not penetrate laminated CF. 

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