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Posts posted by Math.

  1. On 10/9/2018 at 10:45 AM, goalie381 said:

    Hey, I'm right there with ya at the 5'8" and small build. Its interesting how many shorter goalies are on here. You look big in the net at least, and can mostly cover those corners. Just curious, why were you off for a couple years?

    Long story I bounced back & forth between hockey and music most of my life.  When I really got into hockey some years ago i just so happened I was on hiatus from music after being just fed up with the whole thing because of uncommitted musicians.  After many years away from the music scene I got the chance to join a band that fairly well established, meaning quite a few shows a year with a bit of touring mixed in there for good measure.  It just so happened that it was at a time where hockey opportunities were dwindling and becoming more and more rare so I kind of just put the thing on the back burner.  Not really ginving up on it but opportunities where just inexistant at that point.

    Well, fast forward to a couple weeks past and this guy I subbed for a few times back then calls me and says he has an opening for a goalie for the whole season.  Managed to make it work with the familly, work and the band so I said yes.  Really glad I did, I still ove it as much as I used to!

    On 10/9/2018 at 11:44 AM, mufforz said:

    Welcome back and good stuff man, I'm 5'9 small build as well. sometimes you gotta look/feel awkward to make that save lol.  Something I noticed was you have a tendency to shuffle a long distance in 1 push, something that a T push or smaller shuffles would benefit better IMO.  Also there were a few times as you pointed out you weren't square, to me it looked like you tried to predict where the shooter was going to shoot the puck from and planted for that position before they got there.  All these things I have been guilty of myself, it just takes time getting back in the swing of things

    You pretty much nailed it.  That's something I also noticed, I was going with the shooter and not the potential shot so they only had to wait me out and would pretty much have an opening every single time!  Something I try to work on and think I did a good job of last week!

    56 minutes ago, Imperative said:

    Glad to hear you are back in the net! You looked pretty good for being off for two years! It takes time to get your “feel” back for the position. In your first game I noticed like you said you overcommitted to shots on your blocker side and were unable to recover for the wrap around to your  glove side. Another thing I noticed was you were not square to the puck a few times especially on your glove side which opened up that side to the shooter. Overall you looked good, quick feet, you recover to your feet quickly. 

    Hey Imperatice, thanks for taking the time and the kind word.  Very good obesrvation and things I'm actively working on.  Hope it pays off in the near future!

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  2. Last Wednesday's game.  Possibly one of my best outing ever. 

    Tried to be a more square to the puck and not the shooter and it showed on a few occasion where I got the save.  I also tried to focus on keeping my hands out WAY in front of what I'm used to and I noticed a lot of improvement on that front also.  Makes it way easier to track pucks all the way to the gloves and kind of "forces" the hands to be more proactive attacking shots.  I also focused on keeping my catching hand fingers up.  I noticed on past videos that I tended to start fingers up but would drop my hand has the shooter came in closer.  Think I made a good job of correcting that.

    I also did a good job of keeping my stick on the ice at most times and tried to let the off target shot sail wide.


  3. 18 minutes ago, goalie381 said:

    Good looking stuff there so far. Just curious, how tall are you?

    Thanks 381. 

    Short, 5'8"/5'9", somewhere around there.  You pile a small build on top of that and I need all the help I can get!

  4. Last Wednesday's game.  I was out cold with the flu but took the chance anyway figuring out it could only speed up the 'flushing it out" process.  Well, it didn't.

    As for the game itself, I felt off on everything.  Looking back at the footage it ain't AS desastrous as expected, but definitely not my best outing either, you can clearly see I'm moving awkward on some on these plays!  To make matter worst, it seems like it was "make sure you chip the puck I have a clear visual on" day for the deffensemen.  There's 3 or 4 occurences that I clearly had the puck lined-up for a fairly easy save and someone somehow decided to deflect it and i ended up in the back of the net, oh well, what can you do?


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  5. So after 2 years off the ice, I finally got the chance to resume playing.  Really proud of that first game back to be honest.

    I know I got burn twice on backdoor plays after chasing pucks that were off the net in the first place, and the third goal was partly due to me being small but mainly no square!

    Let me know what you think and specially where you thinnk I could improve.


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