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Posts posted by goalie

  1. On 9/17/2022 at 5:25 PM, pkbucks said:

    Hey all,

    Because of my own life stuff, I'm getting back into the game and looking for new pads. The last pads I bought were the Simmons version of the first generation Velocities in like 2002. Soooo the game has changed quite a bit since then....

    I'd still use those pads on occasion (had helped coach a team a few years back)- I was never super thrilled with those because the thigh rise on pads back then was always short (leaky 5 hole). Back in my 'prime', I would have considered myself quite the butterfly style, though now would be considered an old man hybrid type. 

    Things I'm concerned about in a new pad- 

    -Sizing: Kind of hard for me to get to places where I can try on pads, but may have to rely on online ordering. In my ancient pads, I was a 34" (6ft tall) but never felt they came up high enough (no extra thigh rise for pads off the shelf back then)

    -Butterfly slide: Never was able to do this in old pads and it looks like all pads are built around this now. Has anybody else made a similar transition? I feel like I'm gonna feel like I'm sliding out of control out there unable to stop.

    -Rebounds: Honestly the concept of giving out really fast/hard rebounds is blasphemous from everything I was ever taught growing up, but that's the way the game is played now. I was reading that the CCM EFlex 5 was maybe the best at deadening rebouds and maybe a good transition for me.


    Any recommendations that you all can give would be appreciated. Money is not an object in my situation (always wanted to be in a situation where I didn't need to cheap out on pads and here I am).  Still, would hate to drop $1800 on pads that stink. Also looking for catcher/blocker but I'm less worried about those- recommendations still welcomed.



    Kenesky makes several vintages of pads from 70's to modern styles.

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  2. 16 hours ago, ilyazhito said:

    Warrior isn't licensed by the NHL for any goalie products except sticks. Maybe that is why it wasn't included.

    AFAIK, Warwick is licensed. How would we know if Coveted or Protechsport were licensed? 

    Coveted not licensed but approved for use

  3. On 4/5/2022 at 11:52 PM, Chenner29 said:

    As we were discussing offline - I think it would benefit a ton of the goalie population if we took a deeper dive and notated things which are not listed on the NHL data sheets:

    • foam type (poron/D30/etc)
    • mask makeup (fiberglass/kevlar/carbon/plastic)
    • price point

    Also note, they did not designate which model Sportmask was tested.  Could it be a lower end X8 or T3, or was it a Pro 2i/3i/515/VX-5?

    Another interesting tidbit, this graphic was shared on GGSU and Cody Porter said the data was available to current contracted pros and NHLPA members at least a year ago.

    Coveted = neoprene foam


  4. Used mostly CCM for the past 10 years, closer is always a bit of a problem.

    Best from the past was TPS by Wilcox. now working with Kenesky.

    Currently Ultrasonic. Very comfortable, easy closer, deep pocket.

  5. 20 minutes ago, insertnamehere said:

    I don't think it's the screws that are causing any damage, it's more the other hardware involved. 

    Agree, it is the raised edge on the base that attaches the ring that sticks out.

    Has anyone suggested a low profile version for goalies to Halo

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