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Everything posted by seagoal

  1. All conversations about pucks and all things Canada may resume. As you were.
  2. Great transition to your right at 14 seconds. Looking oood.
  3. My father in-law , who live in the suburbs of Pittsburgh, texted me the day Erik Karlsson got traded to the Penguins and asked me if I've "heard of this guy." Pretty cute. So we got to talking and my pucks came up. He asked me if I needed any Penguins pucks. So I told him I officially have one already but it's the older gold color logo, not the current yellow (sport gold). So he asked me to tell him which one I want and I will get it. I got on Dicks Sporting Goods website and found their Penguins pucks. Told him which was my favorite and which two alternates I like just in case. Naturally, all 3 are headed my way, haha. Go Pens?!?
  4. Do it! If you need my address lemme know
  5. @coopaloop1234 I used to see a goalie in the shapes when playing Tetris as a kid, so that's probably where it comes from in my deepest psyche. Plus this.
  6. No way, that's such a cool story. I love that, that's the kind of sentimental story that my collection is all about. Personal connections and pucks traveling from one place to another.
  7. LoL, you win today AND it's not even 9am yet.
  8. Haha. It's a goalie , trust me. He's wearing Bauer I mean Vaughn and he's got alternating graphics which means I was either foreshadowing Digi-print in 2003 or he's wearing last year's Velocity model .
  9. I was just going through some old paintings that I did in the early 2000s, my early 20s, and found this goalie. I had forgotten about it. Gonna frame it and put it up near my gear room. My partner couldn't see the goalie. I said he's making a glove save...still, couldn't see it. Oh well.
  10. Man, that sounds super fun. Many of my current teammates have their family situations like that with their kids. Definitely warms the heart. My childhood in Louisiana was nothing like that with hockey, I was just glued to channel 42 on my TV soaking in all the hockey content I could on the Dallas Stars network.... I went to Dallas once as a kid for a rodeo.....If only I had grabbed a puck. Damn.
  11. Neat, your brother is a goalie too? Oof, sorry for your parents bank accounts. I think mine fell off on my V6s, these
  12. I don't remember exactly, but it was around 2012-2015 when I skated there. Also, the rink in Vancouver, WA around then. It was a back to back year after year situation at Sherwood - Vancounver. My buddy here, who is Korean, is a member of a Korean Church group and there is a large cohort in their church that plays hockey. They had a friendly game every year with their Seattle vs Portland group and they needed a goalie 2 years in a row and I got invited, one year in Sherwood and the next in Vancouver. Yeah, I never had a toe-tie break either. I did have a toe bridge come loss and fall off once, the old screw-in ones. I never thought to get a screwdriver and tighten them, haha.
  13. Woah they make color ones too! Dang. What a company those tire guys are. Love it.
  14. Look at that shiny Kraken biscuit, and, that first Canada puck on the left is a beaut. Nice collection pal!
  15. I mean it looks like plastic street hockey gear but it FEELs amazing. It's all about the feels.
  16. yeah, seriously lucky. I'm also at the rink an hour early and have always had a space set in my bag
  17. I will say @coopaloop1234 I did think the new generation of Bauer gear "looks cheap" and have said "it's not for me" on here. I still think that's true. But that's not a functional argument and as you know, I'm now in Bauer. That changed after being able to get my hands on/in the gear.
  18. hmm. Maybe. I remember goalies saying, in relation to no leather straps pads with all velcro: they look like they are going to fall off my leg. how do those stay on? not for me. I'm not the version of that for skates. I'm more: I have zero problems with how skate lace skates function, and, have had zero problems with them my whole life. = Skate lace skates function perfectly. So, the function argument is a total miss. In fact, it's a loss, given how they have a new set of problems with the metal/plastic hinges that do not exist. I do know that skate laces break, but, I have played 3 times a week for most of 29 years and can't remember mine breaking, not once. I do know a goalie who wanted leather straps recently and opted for all velcro (finally) because "that's all there is." If I'm that goalie for skates soon, so be it.
  19. Aww man, that's great. This was not something I was aware of as an American. I love mine even more now.
  20. But in leather straps, they functionally did mostly nothing, especially given the general consensus that we should "wear them as loose as possible." I'm not convinced that parallel is there with skate laces. Are you?
  21. I know the company and the logo on signs in Canada, but I had no idea they had pucks. Total score. This was a good find.
  22. Haha, I get it. That don't mean it ain't funny though. I do think the transition from 34 leather straps to 1 or 2 velcro straps was a bit more justified than skate laces to plastic/metal hinges. That's just me....old(ish), me.
  23. Do you skate at Sherwood? Nice rink, I've played there.
  24. Me and two goalie buds were laughing at Bauer Konect skates needing new buckles. This was said to many LOLs: Bauer is really bad about inventing problems and solving them for you: Bauer: Hey goalie, you ever wish your skates could be put on FASTER? Goalie: No. Bauer: Great! Now with Konect skates you can put them on faster! Goalie: Wait, I said No..... Bauer: Hey goalie, you ever wish you had ski boot buckles instead of laces? Goalie: No. Bauer: Great! Now with Bauer Konect skates you have no laces and ski boot buckles. Goalie: Wait, I said No.....
  25. Puck #50. This was in the penalty box of the rink we played in last night, which is where we enter the ice there.
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