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Graf ProG blade

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Looking at new skates. Went from Graf ProGoaler w/ cowling and recently tried the bottom tier Tacks without cowling. I feel the CCM's are ok, but the foot feel was crummy and my mobility wasn't super great. Granted, that was their bottom tier skate and the boot itself was probably a half size too big.

Anyways, looking at paying up for something better. The old Grafs with cowling were a great fit at an 8.5, but not sure if that translates well over to the new era of skates. My main question about these is that I see that the Graf blade looks like its profiled from the getgo- not a straight piece of metal like the other skates. Does the profile to the blade prevent you from pushing off well while on your knees (butterfly slide, etc?). 

I'm just exploring the options. I love the old Graf boot, but can be swayed to branch out into the other brands too.


Thanks for any input.

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I was an old Graf Pro/750 guy for the longest time and could never get their next generations of skates to fit right (G50 and 7500).
Baked these boots multiple times, punched them, stretched them, tried new footbeds, etc.  I expected the newer boots to be stiffer but could never get the fit to feel the same. 

Not sure if they changed the fit profiles or what.  But I went to a custom scanned True and have never looked back.

(Except for the 3 weeks I tried a Konekt which I couldn't get to fit right either.)

Graf is now a Vaughn company.  Vaughn's goal skate didn't sell well.  Don't know if that's a good or bad thing for the Graf brand, I'm leaning toward the latter

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