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stretching routines

jeff da goalie

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I want to try something new, getting tired of my stretching routines.  Whatcha got?  (And please be more specific than "Yoga!"  any particular video or routine you do).  I'll continue to do Maria Mountain's butterfly challenge, but I'm curious what else is out there.  Thanks.

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Look up @docjenfit on instagram.  She's another "mobility" advocate, as opposed to flexibility, like you'll hear Maria talk about.  My physio recommended checking her out (they both have PhD's, so I trust them :P)  There are a lot of full body mobility things, so you should be able to find a few new things to add/tinker with.

It's always good to switch things up every now and then since your body gets used to the same movements.

Note: docjenfit also has a similar model to Maria (or her old model) where there's a program on her website you can actually buy and get access to full mobility flows etc.  I have not done that yet, since there are TONS of things on her instagram to shake up your routine a bit.


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