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Posts posted by ilyazhito

  1. 59 minutes ago, A.YOUNGoalie13 said:

    Had Konekts for 2 years, and when I first got them I immediately felt more explosive skating wise. Edgework and everything else imo is made easier with them. As for the profiles, I work at a shop and do them for people all the time. I myself tried the SAM and noticed zero difference. I tried the most aggressive profile on my player skates as well and didn’t notice much either. I swear by the skates but I think the profiles are bs.

    Wow, I never expected that. I have run a Goalie SAM on my skates, but I suspect I might not need it if that is your experience with the Konekts. 

  2. I found a pair of True A4.5 24" full right sticks for about $180. I have enjoyed using them so far. Passing is a lot easier, because they are practically weightless compared to my old Christians. I don't have to spend as much energy to stop and pass the puck. I'll have to see how those sticks hold up over the long term. 

  3. The Bauer Konekt has certain characteristics that make its performance different from other skates (the use of buckles instead of laces to tighten the skates, a hinging mechanism in the boot, and a separate shell and liner inside the shell).

    I have read the reviews. Some goalies claim that the Konekt gives them a better push than other skates. At the same time, goalies have used a number of skate profiles to improve their performance, including Goalie SAM. I am curious if goalies who went with a skate profile on their previous skates kept the same profile on their Konekts, or if the adjustment to the Konekt was a big enough change that they chose to use the stock Konekt profile. 

  4. 3 hours ago, Toobs said:

    Money. Prolaces are expensive (worth it imo). Bauers toe ties are also just too short which is probably why they break.

    I'm surprised that a company with the clout and resources that Bauer has cannot make a toe tie that won't break. I would advise anyone buying Bauer pads to ditch the stock elastic and put in reinforced ProLaces instead (Hybrid, Armour, Trav Spec, TGN Spec).

    I'm curious to see any on-ice reviews with the Shadows and to see how their performance compares to Ultrasonic and Mach.

  5. 23 minutes ago, Kayen said:

    The demo set we tested, the toe toes broke about 20 minutes into the first skate....

    Wow. That sucks. Why doesn't Bauer partner with ProLaces or another toe tie company to produce more durable elastic toe ties?

  6. That would be cool. Another good matchup would be Rangers vs Oilers. The Messier Series. Oilers coming back to the Cup for the first time since Shawn Horcoff played for the team and Dwayne Roloson was their goalie. Perhaps they might get their first win since Grant Fuhr was on the team and Mark Messier was their captain.

  7. 33 minutes ago, kmccann1223 said:
    My custom set just got here today and I absolutely love it. They look and feel fantastic. I went with a pro palm glove and was surprised that it already has really good closure right out of the box. Couldn't be happier with the set
    Tried to get a bunch of pictures for you guys of different angles. Let me know if there's anything else you want to see/know about them!









    Have they corrected the issue with the toe ties? Last time I checked, the Bauer toe ties were horrible. They broke within a few skates. 

  8. 7 hours ago, coopaloop1234 said:

    Never used the tune fit 2.0 on the current iteration of Bauer pads, but, I liked the tune fit+ more than what was on the ultrasonic. 

    I'd toy have skinny calfs, you have a lot of customizatiom with the tune fit +. 

    A lot of people didn't like how tight it was, and I'm kind of in the same boat. I could make it work, but, I would've preferred more customization as I like a looser pad 


    I wouldn't know, because I like how simple the Ultrasonic strapping is. It keeps the pad securely attached without being too tight. I'll have to see what the hype is with the newer Bauer pads once I get a pair. 

  9. 21 hours ago, pfeiffjay54 said:

    I bought an aegis neck guard recently and had to trim a good amount of the padding out of the neck. Guys who know materials, is there anyway for me to reuse this and make it into another piece of padding? I don’t think it would melt down right? Just would be cool to reuse and make into a palm padding piece or something, thanks.

    You don't have the model with the removable padding? I have the Aegis Interceptor Pro-G model, and I take the D3O out to wash the fabric, and put the D3O in before I play. 

  10. 12 hours ago, froese said:

    24" in what model? I've been using a 24" Axis Pro (intermediate) and it's a great stick but no longer available, so I recently bought a 25" warrior which is equivalent to the 24" CCM.

    I've tried Bauer, but I haven't had much luck. I wouldn't mind CCM or True. I would prefer a more modern durable stick. I would go for something mid-price point, because the $300 US sticks break too easily. 

  11. 19 hours ago, ArdeFIN said:

    Not the skin itself, but the foam attached to the skin. And in Bauer case it is there for good and cannot be removed without force.

    That said, they don't apply the same foam on catcher skin material for obvious reasons.

    But Bauer isn't the only one doing this and I still believe strongly that it is the whole pad that does the superior rebounds.

    Even between Curv and PE plastic sheet there is difference and that added to a sophisticated foam+skin, but also foam under the sheet, makes it happen.

    I've made a small test comparing a few different Poron foams and some very basic foams, camping mattress and what ever. Test was simple as foam on a rigid plywood sheet and I dropped a puck to the foam from 50cm height and took a video to see how high the puck bounces.

    Well as you might quess most of the Porons I have are energy absorbing and the puck didn't even jump up. While some random foams bounced the puck back up to 100mm height. That's a lot of energy returned.

    Puck dropped to the plywood bounced to 15mm of height. 

    Is there a link to that video? I would like to see it.


    Maybe that can explain how Bauer, and to some degree Brian's, have the explosive rebounds that they are known for. Maybe Warrior can catch up to them with the G8s. 

  12. 8 hours ago, keeperton said:

    I don't think I dealt with G6 E pads. Maybe I'm hallucinating (which my googling tells me I am), but I thought there was a model between the Pro+ and the E+. Maybe I was dealing with a top end intermediate pad.

    The thing with the Vapor is that it's a springy pad. I don't want to act like I'm huffing all of Bauer's fumes, but they really do have something with the coefficient of restitution technology (the CORtech) that they peddle with the skin and face foams. All that said, the Vapor is still a surprisingly stiff pad if you're used to an old school "soft" definition, because it's springy instead of foldable.

    Wow. It is crazy how Bauer's skin really makes the rebounds fly. Of course, the construction helps too. I would imagine Warrior pads are closer to a Vapour in construction than to a Supreme, but Warrior doesn't have the CORTech equivalent that can launch rebounds beyond the blue line like a Supreme or Optik pad. 

  13. 7 hours ago, coopaloop1234 said:

    I'd imagine they're very comparable. Aside from the strapping change up, they looked and felt very close to G6 pads. 

    And yea, Pro only has the Hypercomp

    Trav's reviews are fucking garbage. Feels like a whole lot of hot air in video form. 

    Warrior rebounds are pretty middle of the pack and that was my experience preG6. So I'd imagine they're stronger now. 

    G6 E and G6 Pro were wildly different in stiffness. You could flex the senior model pretty easily, Pro was very stiff. Almost Mach stiff. 

    Correct. The knee stack has been modified a bit to get a more integrated feel that's become the new range. 

    Cam at The hockey shop told me it's similar to Stabiliflex in feel. 

    Interesting. How does stiffness correlate with rebound strength? Both Vapour and Supreme lines have explosive rebounds, but Supreme is the stiff line and Vapour the softer line. 

  14. Trav posted a review of them, but he's the only one who has done so at this point. I'm curious if anyone else has.

    I'll take a look at G6 reviews. Maybe there is a way to make Warrior rebounds harder. Until then, Brian's and Bauer are my best options. 

  15. How do G7 rebounds compare to Bauer and Brian's rebounds? AFAIK, Warrior rebounds are longer than Vaughn and EFlex rebounds, but they have historically not been as long as Bauer or Brian's rebounds.

    Has this changed with the G7? I'm curious, because I'm trying to figure out what would be a good replacement for my Ultrasonics down the road. 

  16. On 3/21/2024 at 9:19 AM, indykrap said:

    Hey all,

    Thought I'd post some early impressions on my new GSX stick (pictured on the right). I've definitely been in need of a new one since my beloved 3X went soft on me (left in the picture). I thought about springing for the Elite but my upcoming nuptials mean every dollar counts.

    In short, I'm a big fan! It's very, very well balanced - a few guys on my team said it felt lighter in the hand than their (obviously lighter) player sticks, but more importantly it feels solid and stable in my stance. Great puckhandling with the P31 curve which gives it a nice lift on clearing and handling when you want it. Stick saves came off nice and hot and ramped up into the corners. I also like that it doesn't have any kind of grippy material, which I find on other sticks interfered with my Warrior G5 blocker so I usually sanded off. I like a bit of grip that I use tape for but keep the rest smooth as I love a good poke check (who doesn't!).

    Size-wise, I'm 6'0 (all torso) and use a 24" intermediate stick. I made this change on recommendations from a lot of people from a 26" a few years ago and haven't looked back. I have a Warrior 25" (M1 SR+) and the size lines up more or less.

    Durability will of course need to be assessed over time, but if it's anything like the 3X I should be able to get at least a year out of it playing twice or more a year.


    Congratulations to you and the future Mrs. Indykrap!


    I'm a similar height, but I'm in the opposite boat. I'm more legs than torso. I would still prefer a shorter stick, if only to take away the 7-hole. If the GSX is good, and has full right 24" sticks available, I'll think about buying a pair. 

  17. On 1/21/2024 at 8:17 PM, xmikex32 said:

    I’ve always wanted a Brian’s set/gloves and if it wasn’t for the price I would have probably went with this 580 over the Bauer vapor90 but the price is starting to get pretty ridiculous. Like most gear the price is starting to be crazy. 600/700+ for a CA that won’t give you bruises etc…

    That is why I went with PAW. I was able to get a custom glove/blocker set for around 800, including shipping. That's not cheap, but definitely cheaper than the big boys. Bauer would have cost me about 1200 (1167).

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