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Posts posted by estogoalie

  1. 13 minutes ago, SaveByRichter35 said:

    Oh man that is awful.  Sorry to hear about this, Esto.  I hope for the best for you and your family.

    Hey man, I still got my BDU's in the closet, if you wanna suit up and go over there... nah, as much as I'd like to, I got my family depending on me over here... but there are alot of volunteers going... I read some top Canadian sniper just went there today. I think the "foreign legion" is up to 16,000, plus another 150k Ukrainians living abroad who returned to fight.

  2. Hi All,

    My wife is from Ukraine, and her family is currently trapped there and are living a nightmare. Their city has been shelled for more than 10 days now, and may be soon over-run. They have no income, and no idea what will happen to their home, if they will stay, or what the future holds. I'm doing everything possible to help them, especially as they have a 7-year old daughter to take care of. I have set up a GoFundMe and PayPal donation if anyone wants to help. All funds go directly to them. GoFundMe takes 8% in Switzerland (way to profit on people in need 🤬), so PayPal would be preferred as they take only 3%.

    PayPal: olesia-ukr@protonmail.com



    PS- Just as a footnote, always be wary of who you donate to, as there are always scammers looking to profit on tragedy. I've been around here since the GSBB days, all the mods/regulars can vouch for me, in case anyone doesn't know me or doubts my credibility. It's no scam, and if you do make a donation, I thank you very much on their behalf.


    PPS- My sister-in-law is a professional photographer, you can also view/purchase her photos here:



    PPPS- I'm half Ukrainian myself, but don't have any family left there that I know of. Not that that's relevant, just throwing it out there.


    PPPPS- Political discussions aren't allowed on this forum, so please don't let this thread devolve into that. Anyway, I think we all know who is to blame.

  3. 1) You can get COVID anywhere. The bus. At work. Supermarket. Etc. Lockerroom is no different. Just respect the rules, and ask that others do as well. If there's a mask rule, ask them to respect that if they don't wear masks. Each team I play with is different. Some have people that are phobic about COVID, so we wear masks and fist-bump instead of shaking hands. Other teams don't care (most teams actually) and so masks come off, people shake hands, etc.

    2) In Germany and Switzerland alot of public saunas are mixed. It was kind of strange at first, but just go with the flow. For hockey, they usually have a separate room for females to change, like the referee room or something. But if a female wants to change in the team room, then she's going to have to expect to see junk flying.

  4. On 1/11/2022 at 11:24 PM, WillyGrips13 said:

    That’s how my gf and I feel. We’ve probably had it in one form or another and didn’t even know it. Wore masks when we were made to, got the vaccinations when they were available. But still carried on with life as normal. No high risk people in our household. Can we move on now?



  5. I had the NHL streaming service for a couple of years. It's a good deal, like $100 or so and you get like all games, too many to watch. But the problem was who wants to sit at their PC or tablet and watch? I could connect it to the TV, but it's a PITA connecting all the cables and stuff. I get Swedish and KHL games on satellite and wind up just watching those. Mainly because it's easier to sit down in front of the TV, and just click the remote. So I cancelled the NHL package. My kid just watches the (free) NHL game highlights at breakfast on a tablet for 10min and that's about it.

    Streaming services are good for small or rare sports that you can't find on TV. If it's something like that, you'll go the extra mile and watch it on the PC or tablet. But watching regular sports, nah, not really worth the hassle.

  6. 15 hours ago, CJ Boiss said:

    I'd like to take my leave. I have better things to do and, frankly, so should you.

    I'm not holding you here, LOL 

    On my side, my hockey season was cancelled and I'm basically locked-down, so I got plenty of time to kill ;)

    • Haha 1
  7. 15 hours ago, Chenner29 said:

    @CJ Boiss @estogoalie

    Another user is reporting these posts due to (what he perceives to be) political discussion

    After review and consulting with the other mods, we do not feel it has gotten to that point. 

    Please do not take it there and be respectful of each other.  Thank you.

    It's a medical issue, but being run by politicians, so that's why it's a complete disaster, and is a polarized issue. Camp Fauci favors lockdowns, masks and jabbing everyone repeatedly. Camp Malone says give the vax to the vulnerable and let everything else go on as usual. They are both respected doctors with differing opinions.

    I'm obviously in Camp Malone, but if you don't try to look at it from both sides and live in an echo chamber, then your ignorant (oddly social media and MSM is censoring the Camp Malone side, when he raises many valid points). CJ calls it "arguing", but I'm actually trying to hear the other side in case I'm missing something. I asked him several times for a valid reason why kids should be vaxxed and the U20 cancelled, but didn't hear any good point so far.

    I haven't heard one any anywhere actually. Some reasons I've heard include "so you don't transmit the disease to your grandparents", hmm, vaxxed are catching/spreading it everywhere. "It's the only way to reach herd immunity", see previous answer.  Also "solidarity" or "take one for the team". Un, no, not with my kid. Or "so you can have a vax passport and part-take in society again, or keep your job". That's not a medical reason at all. 

    And I really hate any sentence that starts with "out of an abundance of caution". Don't use an "abundance" of caution, use the "proper" amount of caution. I wear a ski helmet when I ski, not when I sit on my couch at home. Lockdowns don't work, destroy the economy, and cause a laundry list of other problems. These people don't seem to understand "unintended consequences" until it's too late.

    Today in Switzerland they announced hospitals are at a breaking point. Not because they are overloaded with COVID patients, but because many of their (vaxxed) staff tested COVID positive and has to stay home and quarantine (despite many not having symptoms). So yea, I really don't know what's worse, the cure or the disease.

    • Like 2
  8. 36 minutes ago, CJ Boiss said:

    1. Look at the seven-day rolling average to get the most accurate COVID statistics. Numbers fluctuate for all demographics, not just children, if you looks only at daily case counts.

    2. The risk of myocarditis is several orders of magnitude higher from a COVID infection than it is from the vaccine. This would be like complaining that there's a chance of someone breaking a bone in a car crash if they use a seatbelt.

    3. The "Great Barrington Declaration" is an astroturfed think tank group. The overwhelming consensus of the scientific community disagrees with them.

    4. Nobody has ever said that the vaccine will prevent everyone from getting and/or spreading COVID. It does prevent more serious outcomes in everyone who gets it (not just vulnerable populations), and it does decrease the amount of time a person is symptomatic, both of which are unequivocally good things and . Again, we're back to "if this is what you think, that's a You problem". Also, that study was looking at Delta, not Omicron, and is in preprint, which means it hasn't been peer-reviewed.

    5. Your godfather not dying of COVID is an anecdote, not data. I'm glad he's OK, but you can't generalize his personal experience.

    6. People with "pre-existing conditions" (a uniquely American term that was invented to justify kicking people off of private health insurance plans, which has now infected the rest of the world with it's stupidity) account for, by some estimates, over a quarter of the general population. "COVID isn't a problem unless you have pre-existing conditions" isn't actually a helpful argument, and treads dangerously close to that eugenics thing you expressed interest in avoiding.

    Where you ended up is what happens when you reject scientific consensus, believe conspiracy theorists, and think that your twenty-minutes of Googling leaves you better equipped to know the answer to these staggeringly complex issues than people who have literally spent their entire adult lives researching the matter.

    Strange, I don't see anything in all of that rambling that explains why kids should get vaxxed? Or why we should lock everything down and eg. cancel the U20? 

    PS- "people who have literally spent their entire adult lives researching the matter" ...like Dr. Robert Malone? He literally blew up the internet on Rogan last week.

    • Like 3
  9. 10 hours ago, CJ Boiss said:

    Ah, yes, "vaccines"; famous for not eradicating things like polio, tetanus, hepatitis A and B, rubella, mumps, measles, rotavirus, pneumococcal disease, diphtheria...

    Hey, while you're at the care home telling everyone that their lives are less important than kids playing a game, ask them about the small circular scar on their upper arm. You might learn something.

    I didn't say vaccines were bad. I said healthy kids don't need the COVID vaccine. Why would they? Deaths/hospitalizations of kids is basically zero, and now Fauci stunningly admits that kids are actually being overcounted in hospitalization stats (!) So it's actually even less than nothing. Then consider that there is now enough evidence of the vaccine causing damage to the heart (especially in young men) that it moved from being "misinformation/conspiracy theory" to an official warning from the FDA. And since the vaccine is relatively new (and a new technology) who knows what other side-effects they discover as time rolls on. Before taking a vaccine, you should do a risk/benefit analysis, and there's alot of doctors out there who agree that there is no need for kids to get it.

    The vaccine also doesn't stop you from getting infected or spreading COVID. Actually, since vaxxed people often feel less symptoms than unvaxxed, they tend to walk around spreading it more unknowingly (and no, viral load is not necessarily reduced) The NYT published maps showing vax rates and COVID transmission, and they actually match exactly. Of course you can draw whatever conclusions you want, but the data is the data, and it doesn't seem to correlate in the way we are told to expect it in terms of "slowing the spread".

    So if the only real useful thing of the vaccine is to prevent bad outcomes in vulnerable people, then we are back to square one again: give the vax to the elderly, and let everyone else get on with life.

    COVID is also not a death sentence. My 80+ year old Godfather (vaxxed) just had it (Delta). He said it was like a cold for 3 days. He's fine now. The majority of people dying are not just over 65 and unvaxxed, but also have serious co-morbities. In Switzerland over 80% of COVID deaths also had pre-existing heart and kidney problems. I don't know what they teach you in biology these days, but people don't live forever. It's normal and natural for people to get old and die. If COVID didn't push them over, something else soon would. This is where you end up when you actually follow the science.



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  10. 26 minutes ago, CJ Boiss said:

    Go to a care home and tell everyone there that your desire to watch kids play hockey on the TV is more important to you than their health and lives, see how that goes over.

    I'm pretty sure the majority of the people in the old-folks home would be happy to watch kids playing hockey on TV and the world carrying on as usual, rather than knowing those kids are being deprived of a normal childhood and being locked down in their homes, alone, wearing masks, and being injected with drugs they don't need.

  11. 9 hours ago, CJ Boiss said:

    The vast majority of hospitalizations/ICU patients (and deaths) are unvaccinated people

    ...unvaxxed, and 65+ . It's a small group responsible for a large amount of deaths/hospitalizations. To lock the whole society down just because of them isn't the right answer.

    9 hours ago, CJ Boiss said:

    The cancelled flights in Alberta (WestJet come to mind) are because all of their staff are catching COVID. Thankfully, because of the vaccination policy required for air travel, these people aren't ending up in hospital.

    Vaccinated people catching and spreading the disease they are vaccinated against? Not a great sales-pitch for the vaccine, is it?

    9 hours ago, CJ Boiss said:

    Mental health struggles, lost jobs, struggling businesses, etc., are problems that can only be addressed by people who are alive

    When people develop mental health issues, they have disregard for their own lives and lives of others. Suicide attempts, drug OD's, high-risk behaviour often ends in death.

    10 hours ago, CJ Boiss said:

    The economy is a social mechanism that exists to serve people, and I am not willing to sacrifice lives so that some tax-dodging CEO fuckhead can pocket an extra half-a-percent on their stock option bonuses this year. If you're in favour of sacrificing lives for the economy then you've lost the plot.

    When the economy fails, society fails. Food doesn't reach the shelf, basic services like electricity, sanitation, etc. stops working. Then people REALLY start dying. Just look at Venunzuela or South Africa to see what a failed economy actually looks like. Then it becomes fertile ground for a dictator to walk in and promise to restore order via military rule. Have a look at 1930's Germany one more time. 

    To wreck the economy/society to maybe (or maybe not*) save a handful of 65+ people is a poor and very short-sighted policy that is causing more damage than is helping. "The cure is worse than the disease." 

    *Have a look and compare countries/states with strict COVID measures vs. ones that are more relaxed and open. It's not conclusive. It's going to spread regardless. "Virus gonna virus"

    • Like 1
  12. 1 hour ago, CJ Boiss said:

    This isn't an opinion borne of ignorance, fear, or a desire for authoritarian rule. It's borne from a respect for the scientific process, appropriate caution, and a desire to not see more Albertans dead of a historically mismanaged response to a public health crisis.

    Then look at the science. The vast majority of hospitalizations/deaths are people over 70 and/or have existing health issues. Give them their vax, hide them away, and let the rest of the world get on with living life. You also neglected all the negative consequences of lockdowns/restrictions, like mental health issues, lost jobs, destroyed businesses, etc. Look at the mess already: airlines cancelling flights left and right, supply chain issues, empty store shelves, inflation, etc. I can imagine what another year of this will look like. It will be the 1930's again. I guess followed by the 1940's. Talk about a "mismanaged health crises" LOL


    • Like 1
  13. 1 hour ago, CJ Boiss said:

    We don't really have enough data to determine whether or not it's as severe. And it would need to be significantly less severe to avoid overwhelming our healthcare system, basically equivalent to a cold, and there's no evidence to suggest that.

    Of course there's plenty of evidence to support that. Everyone everywhere is saying omicron is mild.

    You're either living under a rock, or enjoy living in fear and being told what to do... or both.

    • Like 1
  14. With Omicron, it's spreading faster, but the symptoms are less severe. ie: COVID cases going up, hospitalizations and deaths are not. Even the most paranoid fearmonger has to admit it's now getting into an endemic phase and it's time to drop the covid theatre and just get on with life as usual. 

    • Like 3
  15. On 12/7/2021 at 8:29 PM, The Teal Terror said:

    Regardless, you still saw Priest. I’ve seen loads of bands over the years, which I really wanted to see. But they didn’t always have the greatest sound. But it didn’t matter!

    I saw the Misfits in 1996 in Atlanta. They are one of my favorite all-time bands, I know every song by heart, but their sound live was so bad I could hardly recognize their songs (plus it wasn't Danzig on vocals, but that's a different topic). Anthrax opened, but their set was cut short because Scott Ian got hit in the head with a bottle. Just an overall bad night.

    • Like 1
  16. 34 minutes ago, coopaloop1234 said:

    I mean, there is a larger reduction in hospitalization among all age groups when compared to vaccinated and non-vaccinated. 

    Though, with a milder strain that's more infectious (like how every other endemic virus mutates) these continuing security theater measures are overstaying their welcome. 

    The problem is that the COVID outbreak is more political than medical. And you have different sides spinning their "narratives". Especially when it comes to statistics. There's an old quote, attributed to Samuel Clemens or Winston Churchill, depending who you ask. The quote is "There's lies, there's damn lies and then there's statistics". The meaning of which, is that you can twist statistics to support whatever point you want.

    There's a great book on this called Spurious Correlations the author takes two random statistics that correlate, and you can draw a conclusion from. Ex. as per capita cheese consumption grew over the past years, so did deaths by people tangled in their bed-sheets. So obviously if we ban cheese, we will save people from ugly and unnecessary bedsheet deaths, right? ;) 

    They do the same with COVID now. On both sides. I just read new COVID hospitalizations in the UK were 50% vaxxed 50% unvaxxed. So anti-vaxers used that point to say the vax is useless. But then you have to consider 75% or so of the population is vaxxed, so it's actually a larger percentage of unvaxxed in hospital. But then on the flip side, when you look at the age of hospitalizations, the majority is over the age of 50.

    So really, it's no wonder people are angry, confused and untrusting about the whole situation. 


    • Like 5
  17. 1 hour ago, Scythe said:

    So the NHL is canceling all games tomorrow thru Saturday? Crazy. 

    Strange. I just read all but 4 players in the NHL are vaccinated. But breakthru cases happening all over. Doesn't give much confidence in the vaccine.

    ..."but it still prevents severe disease or death"... yes, in people over 60 or immune-compromised people. NHL players are all fit and under 40. And vaccinated. Death rates and hospitalizaions are very rare in that group. No need to stop the season.

    ...but ah, what the hell, let's just live in endless lockdowns, facemasks and jabs, so long as it's for our own good. When people go insane and start jumping off bridges, at least they won't be counted as a COVID deaths...

    • Like 1
  18. On 12/16/2021 at 3:18 PM, bunnyman666 said:

    There was one doing play-by-play and when she would screetch “He scores!”, it pierced my eardrums!

    Is she screaming that when the goalie makes a save too? Cuz then you know she's fakin' it ;)

    ...but seriously, I watch hockey to get away from women screaming at me...

    • Haha 2
  19. 30 minutes ago, Korppi32 said:

    I don't play NHL game. There is fine details and I guess the game is better and better but those pads are awful and where are all female spectators? 🤔

    NHL 22 "Sausage-Fest" Edition xD

    ...that's cool you can make your own jerseys. How do you do that? Upload a graphic or smth?

    • Haha 1
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