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Posts posted by estogoalie

  1. 5 minutes ago, coopaloop1234 said:

    Look at you only using two decimal points. It's infinite, duhh.

    I only used one decimal point, if I used two decimal points it would be 0..66


  2. 1 hour ago, coopaloop1234 said:


    It's a fraction, it's the same...

    And you know Canada uses the metric system right?

    It was a joke,  c'mon man, I'm not as dumb as I look ;)

    PS- just for the record, the metric equivalent of 2/3 is 0.66

    • Like 1
  3. 1 hour ago, coopaloop1234 said:

    Calf wrap has been loosened a bit and only goes 2/3'rds of the way across the available velcro.

    I'm in Europe, what's the metric equivalent?

    • Haha 1
  4. 8 hours ago, RichMan said:

    Second game in with the pads and I have a huge disclaimer:

    Saying these pads are "hybrid" or more traditional is a serious misnomer! They feel AND play like a modern stiff butterfly pad, period. Walking with them is awkward. Skating with them is awkward. The stance in them is awkward. They kind of force me in a wider stance. They play great in the butterfly but are nothing like they are marketed for.

    I appreciate the lightness, the ease of strapping, the solid butterfly, but the mobility is a challenge onto itself. 

    Am I the only one?

    uh, not good, you're confirming my fears :/ but still, with new gear, give it a little time to adjust. even with my Gnetik2, it took me 5-10 ice times to adjust and make adjustments to where I felt comfortable in them 

    I remember trying the RGT pads in the store and liked the lower part of the pad boot/shin, but had reservations about the stiff thighs. They guy in the shop was like "you'll get used to them" and I was like "yea, maybe, but maybe I won't"....

  5. On 8/31/2021 at 3:30 AM, RichMan said:

    So I played my first game in the pads tonight and, oh what an experience lolll

    They are sooooo light! Skating with them was so awkward, it felt like I had plywood sheets sitting over my thighs. After a good 10 minutes I felt a little more comfortable and mobile. Rebounds are nice without being exaggerated. Knee lift were perfect. Knee pads (SR Ritual) were more than sufficient and didn't bother me at all, even if I didn't receive shots there. Sliding was ok. I don't care what material or design you use on pads for sliding, if the ice is shit, nothing spectacular will happen. It was suitable.

    In the end, I think I'm gonna like these once I dial-in the toe ties. I ordered the Trav spec Pro Laces. Hopefully they will do the job. If not, project time :D 

    I've been eyeing Warrior RGT as my next set of pads for a while. I tried some in the store a couple of years ago, I liked the feel, except the very stiff thighs, as you noted. That kind of scared me away from them. Let me know if you adjust to them, I'm still thinking about a pair.

    Instead of the RGT, I went with Brian's Gnetik2, which I've liked for the most part, but took some adapting. The elastic toe-ties really messed me up, felt too loose, but I just replaced them with regular skate laces, and all was well again :)

  6. On 8/30/2021 at 6:40 PM, BadAngle41 said:

    Thanks for all the replies... in lieu of having a fancy league like @coopaloop1234 or going the bar soap route like @SaveByRichter35... I went with the CCM. @ZeroGravitas is right... damn thing is nice. My wife was actually pretty impressed too... thought it was too good to just throw n the hockey bag. Fit everything and then some...


    Got all my shampoos, soaps, and moisturizers in the top along with extra contacts in the mesh pouch. Yes Coop... between being in my gloves all game and then a hot shower... my hands get dry. 🧴🙌


    I threw some One Wipe Charlies in the pocket of the upper rollout piece that has the hook at the end for hanging. Just nice to have if you're like me and prefer to play home games... but 💩 time makes a late pre-game appearance...


    Underneath are some multi-tools, extras mask parts, etc. All the stuff that no one else in the locker room will have...


    Wow, impressive. I just take an all-in-one shower/shampoo gel in a zip-lock bag (got the zip-lock bag idea after the bottle busted open in my bag once). 

    I keep a Swiss army knife and extra laces in my mask-bag pocket. Otherwise, that's it.

    • Thanks 1
  7. 4 minutes ago, coopaloop1234 said:

    lol what? Fuck me dude. :rofl:

    You're going to have to send me a few pics first, I'm not so easy ;)

    ...but seriously, what are you talking about? In the US, if you get sick or dies from a vaccine, that's where you report it. The CDC and FDA then review it and track it.

  8. 40 minutes ago, Naz said:

    It is well known that the minions/sheep of Mercola, Tenpenny et: al post completely fabricated events to this Database.

    One the one-hand you can say it's over-reported with fake cases, and that may well be true. On the other-hand, you could also say that people are not aware of it or failing to register actual cases there, so you can also say that it's being under-reported, and that may well be true also.

    The sad reality is that this is the best, and only, vaccine death/injury reporting system there is. It's this or nothing.

  9. 24 minutes ago, Teezle said:

    3) You yourself said that countries are relying on self-reported; VAERS is no different. https://vaers.hhs.gov/data/dataguide.html - anyone can submit a report saying almost anything to this database; they are not verified to be accurate in any way. Any information coming from that database (and other like it) should be taken with a hefty dose of salt.

    Exactly, how do we "follow the science" here, if the best there is available is an unvalidated self-reporting database? Isn't that kind of alarming?


  10. 9 minutes ago, Teezle said:

    Vaccine requirements to go to school have been around for ages; another one is nothing new. If your job requires it, get it or find a new job. Better yet, get it to protect yourself and others, and then don't worry about what your job requires or doesn't require. It is also in the context of it being required for jobs in healthcare, elder care, airlines - all jobs where you come into contact with sick or vulnerable people, or many people of indeterminate status every day. Flying on a plane is not a fundamental human right.

    The Dr. Malone from that interview has been pushing very questionable interpretations for many years. Here is a good article about it: https://www.theatlantic.com/science/archive/2021/08/robert-malone-vaccine-inventor-vaccine-skeptic/619734/ To quote the article "He's fucking up his chance at a Nobel Prize."

    Please stop conflating these two things. The side effects from the AZ shot (not even an mRNA vaccine) in the article you linked were 417 cases and 72 deaths out of nearly 49,000,000 doses - that particular blood clot has a ~0.00015% chance to show up, and shows up basically exclusively in women. The rate of getting similar blood clots from birth control is ~0.065% per year (0.3% to 1% increased risk over 10 years), making it more than 400x more likely than getting it from the shot. And yet women everywhere still use hormonal birth control without a second thought.

    With billions of doses of mRNA vaccines administered around the world, if there was some awful side effect in any significant percentage, it would have shown up already. It is not picking your poison - it is picking between protecting yourself and others , and picking to not even care about yourself.

    I read the full Atlantic article you linked, it tried to discredit him because he was on Tucker Carlson, and ramled about if he was really the inventor or not, but otherwise I agreed with most of it.

    From the article:


    His objections to the Pfizer and Moderna shots have to do mostly with their expedited approval process and with the government’s system for tracking adverse reactions. Speaking as a doctor, he would probably recommend their use only for those at highest risk from COVID-19.
    I’ve listened to hours of Malone’s interviews and read through the many pages of documents he’s posted. He is a knowledgeable scientist with a knack for lucid explanation. Malone is not a subscriber to the more out-there conspiracy theories regarding COVID-19 vaccines.

    Regarding the article I linked to the BBC reporter, since those numbers of vaccine deaths you gave are not from a "peer-reviewed" paper, I can scientifically say it's "baseless" ;) 

    But really, most countries are relying on self-reported cases to count vaccine deaths and injuries. Which is I guess about as random and reliable as a Facebook survey (?) In the US they have VAERS website to report vaccine incidences. Here's a summary of the data. More vaccine reported deaths than all others combined. There were +6,000 reported deaths in the US in a 7 month span. Reuters "Fact Check" says it's not false, but "missing context" that just because someone dies soon after taking the vaccine does not imply the vaccine killed them. Fair enough. But that's what the best data available says.

  11. On 8/27/2021 at 2:10 PM, coopaloop1234 said:

    The mRNA vaccines have been studied for decades. With a focus on the Zika virus and the already existing Corona virus (pre covid 19) as early as 2007. This isn't new, what is new is the widespread use of it.

    No one is forcing anyone to get vaccines. They're just dangling a carrot in the form of allowance of activities. There's a strict difference.

    That whole study was taken solely from Facebook. I'd be very hesitant to believe a self survey of anonymous users on Facebook, especially a study that has not gone under any peer review. It's baseless. 

    The survey was done by Carnegie Mellon University and the University of Pittsburgh and had 5 million participants, it's not a Reddit poll with 20 people. And looking at other stats in the poll, eg. they found rural Trump supports and young black people are also very vaccine hesitant, I would say it mirrors many other surveys. I wouldn't say it's "baseless"...and how do you "peer review" an on-line survey anyway (?) :D

    Regarding vaccine passports, it's not just like you can't go to a concert or something, people are losing jobs, kicked out of schools, not allowed to travel to see families, etc. Then there's the question of your right to medical privacy and other issues, eg. what if hackers download vaccine passport databases and dump all your details online somewhere? Oh wait, they already did that.

    And yes, mRNA has been around a while. Here's a 3 hour interview with one of the inventors of it. He is himself vaccinated, but points out some issues and dangers about the vaccine and how it's being rolled out.

    ...and sadly, young, healthy people are also dying from the vaccine :( Yes, it's a very small percentage, but then COVID deaths in young, healthy people are also a very small percentage. So pick your poison. Literally.

  12. The whole population of the world (8 billion people), or even a big majority, will never-ever be vaccinated for various reasons. COVID is something we have to accept and learn to live with

    The vaccine wears out over time and/or doesn't protect from new variants, so a "booster shot" is required every 6-12 months. So even if everyone in the world did get vaccinated, after a year or so it's back to "zero" and start all over again.

    Vaccines don't prevent you from getting COVID, it can reduce the effects of it, and the can reduce the viral load that you can transmit to others.

    Taking any vaccine has inherent risks/side effects/etc. With new mRNA vaccines that have been pushed out quickly, alot is still obviously unknown and data is still being collected.

    The government should not be forcing people to inject things into their bodies, and mandating "vaccine passports" to prove it (strange how fast so many people went from "puch a nazi" to "show me your papers")

    On a final note, interesting study, the people who are most vaccine hesitant, based on education level,  are those with PhD's. To that I say: don't "follow the science", but rather "follow the scientists" ;)

    • Thanks 1
  13. 2 hours ago, seagoal said:

    Yep, that's right.  Quiet is the New Loud by KoC is my go-to album driving to hockey, especially if I'm amped up which means my heart rate and blood sugar are climbing. 

    I'm on a 10,000 Maniacs kick right now though.

    I've been rehashing some old 90's bands too lately (sadly hardly nobody makes decent music anymore). Was just deep-diving into Soul Asylum, was never really too into them before, but I managed to dig up and string together about 10 good tunes of theirs. For hockey, I only listen to Rhino Bucket or AC/DC. 

    For the last 25 years, it's always this tune before playing. 


  14. 22 hours ago, bunnyman666 said:

    It’s the way the dice rolled. In the end, I can dedicate more resources to kids in need and other things and matters that help the world at large.  It’s in the silver lining. 

    That was my grandmothers favorite saying ("every cloud has a silver lining"). She was a WW2 refugee, left her home in Estonia in the middle of the night with my 4 year old father in one hand and a bag in the other. Never saw her home again. But she always looked on the bright side. 

    It's so easy to look at all the things we don't have and complain and be depressed. But life's too short, you gotta look at what you do have and be grateful for that. There's always something good somewhere.

    • Thanks 2
  15. 4 hours ago, seagoal said:


    "Marriage, I've found over the years, is when you live together with someone you love very much, you spend the day together doing things and at the end of the day, she comes out of the bathroom, where she has spent the past 45 minutes, rubbing cremes and lotions all over herself, she lays down, and tells me all the things I've done wrong that day.  That, is marriage."

    My wife told me marriage is just two people asking each other what they want to eat until one of them dies. 

    • Haha 4
  16. 9 minutes ago, insertnamehere said:

    Not every place switched to dark for home when the NHL did. I still think it's weird. 

    Dark makes sense for the road team, you're travelling and not always keeping them in pristine shape, ie. getting dirty and not washing them all the time. I think the reason for the switch to dark for home was to have more "colorful" jerseys for the home fans, but I've always like the white jerseys better anyway. So I'm with you, they should have left it as it was and kept the dark jerseys for the road.

    • Like 2
  17. On 7/14/2021 at 4:31 PM, seagoal said:


    And the press can't step on your logo if it's on the damn ceiling, ha.

    ...ah...late to the party with the Lionel jokes... nevermind...



  18. 15 minutes ago, ThatCarGuy said:



    Oh and the new set got its first shutout. 

    Hmmm...I thought the dark jerseys are the home team...now about that shutout... ;)

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