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Posts posted by insertnamehere

  1. On 9/23/2021 at 8:58 AM, RichMan said:

    This is where you'll find guys still wearing gear that was produced 10-20-30 years ago and not care for change. Then you have the now generation who absolutely think that the newest lines are the better ones and is the answer to better goaltending. 

    If you're a goalie that has never rocked old gear, it makes it hard for you to understand. The difference in wearing pillows versus boards is pretty obvious, but at the same time, the way you will play with this gear is as different.

    Sometimes change is good and welcomed, others times not so much. The problem I can see is that you can't expect the gear to play both ways 100%. You can take modern gear and use it for pro-fly or stand-up equally, but you can't say the same with vintage gear. I'm getting way off topic here.

    Bottom line, there's only so much you can improve on a base design or concept. Anything more would be simply tweaks and adjustments. 

    I love modern gear. Pretty sure the pads I use now are lighter than what I used at 9 years old. 

  2. 26 minutes ago, seagoal said:

    Kraken training camp today and tomorrow! My first time going to any NHL camp.

    Also, rink 3 in Kraken Iceplex was uncovered and there are curling circles on it.   Never played on a dual purpose rink.  Should be interesting.  





    How does that work? isn't the ice in a curling rink slightly pebbled?

  3. 19 minutes ago, coopaloop1234 said:

    Company finally came forward with the official offer for the promotion in Saskatoon.

    They're offering me a whopping 4k more a year for me to transplant my family and move two provinces over. Let alone take on a significant amount of more responsibility. 

    They're at the lowest end of the compensation rage for comparable jobs in that region.

    Safe to say I told them to get bent.

    I mean, that's not much of a pay increase, but what's the difference in cost of living for Saskatoon versus your current location?

  4. Had my first actual officiated hockey game in 20 months today on short notice with the Puck rent a goalie app. Picked up a 5-1 win, had to kill off a full 2 minute 5 on 3 in the first 10 minutes of the game and then it was pretty smooth sailing!

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  5. 2 hours ago, Chenner29 said:

    Zooming out one level, it's interesting to see the designs start to homogenize around the above mentioned design principles.  Is this what design teams believe to be the future or is it in line with what the actual goalies want?  If the latter, is it coming from their pro clientele or retail customers?

    Have we reached a point where gear decisions are going to be based on how the individual piece functions (ie. if I want the hottest rebounds with a one piece knee block I'm going Brand X)

    I think I've finally reached a point where I know what's comfortable for me and I see no reason to change. I've always been the type of person to try out different gear every 6-12 months (or more frequently), but every time I've tried something new for the past 2 years or so, I don't like the change. For me, Warrior pads just feel like an extension of my leg and I can't seem to play the puck as well with any other brand of trapper. 

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  6. 2 hours ago, estogoalie said:

    I've been saying "I'm getting old" for a while now. In my late 30's I had knee+back pain, but I took some painkillers when necessary and battled thru it. At 40 I had a stress fracture in my hip, so I changed my diet a little to get some more milk+calcium and hung in there. In my early/mid-40's I was still playing some pretty good hockey, but when my late 40's rolled around it was getting harder and harder to keep the same level of play. I've been playing in the Swiss Div.4 since 2001. It's obviously not the highest, but still a "competitive" level, mostly stocked with guys in their 20's and 30's who have been playing their whole lives. Now I've hit 50, and with the lack of ice-time in the last year due to COVID restrictions, I'm struggling even more, and now had the realization that I just can't do it anymore, and told my team I'm quitting :( 

    Well, I'm not quitting hockey, just Div4. I've been also playing part-time with some other teams that play for "fun" rather than "competitive", and this is what I'll be doing from now on. Which is fine. It's not as fast and good quality as Div.4, but then I'm not so fast and good quality anymore either, so I guess it makes sense ;) It's just been hard to figure out and deal with mentally. After playing a certain level of hockey for so long, to have to look in the mirror and admit you reached the end of the line there is kind of tough. I always used to look at these NHL guys at the end of their careers jumping teams, trying desperately to play just one more year, and would think "Dude, just retire", but now I see it's just that they just don't want the ride to end, because then they have to look in the mirror and admit it's over. And that's hard to do. At any level.

    Anyway, I've been keeping busy with some other hobbies like playing guitar. And riding my bike in the woods to keep fit (ever-changing-and-confusing COVID restrictions make ice-time very sporadic lately). Trying to make the best of it all. Well, ok, it's not that bad, just something of a hump that I need to get over and accept. At least I'm still playing. But now I've got my eye on the guys older than me, as the "canary in the coal mine", to see how much longer I can still play at all ;) . I don't see too many guys over 60 playing, but I'm sure there's some around....  

    There are definitely a couple guys around this forum that are older than you and still strapping on the pads. Keep at it as long as it's still fun and it doesn't hurt your health. 

    Any rough idea what Swiss Div. 4 equates to for us in North America?

  7. 3 hours ago, RichMan said:

    Maybe they hit a wall, or maybe they listened to the users and applied the changes, or maybe they are of the mentality now of "if it ain't broke, don't fix it".

    Yeah, it seems we've kind of hit a point of stagnation, I know I can't really think of what to improve upon. How much lighter can a pad get? How much better can pads really slide?

    It's kind of like sports/supercars, any manufacturer's halo car is going to do a 0-60 in under 3 seconds and has for a while. 

  8. 4 minutes ago, estogoalie said:

    Where are you, in the UK? I see alot of Warrior in Germany and Finland for some reason (I think they might have some offices there?). 

    Canada. Narrows it down, eh?

  9. 2 hours ago, estogoalie said:

    Good, it'll help keep their prices down.

    In Europe, Warrior is pretty big. Great stuff, and alot cheaper than CCM, Bauer, etc..

    I don't know their numbers or business model, but I think they might be focusing more on Europe and not caring too much about the N.American market.

    I don't see a whole lot of Warrior stuff out my way, but I think I'm going to be sticking with them for the foreseeable future. G6 might be worth upgrading from G4s. 

  10. 7 hours ago, coopaloop1234 said:

    It's fun to look back on this thread and see how naive I was that I'd just take the summer off.

    COVID kind of forced many of us to take a break lol

    Yup. I think for me it was March 2020-June 2020 and then November 2020-April 2021 and again in May 2021-June 2021. Really though it was a good thing for me, as I needed to take time off to recover from a torn adductor. 

  11. 8 hours ago, RichMan said:

    Second game in with the pads and I have a huge disclaimer:

    Saying these pads are "hybrid" or more traditional is a serious misnomer! They feel AND play like a modern stiff butterfly pad, period. Walking with them is awkward. Skating with them is awkward. The stance in them is awkward. They kind of force me in a wider stance. They play great in the butterfly but are nothing like they are marketed for.

    I appreciate the lightness, the ease of strapping, the solid butterfly, but the mobility is a challenge onto itself. 

    Am I the only one?

    I don't have R/GTs, but I'm on my 3rd or 4th Warrior set and over a little bit of time they've all softened up quite a bit.

    For comparison, I've kept choosing them over Optiks with an FLX core, Vapor 2X pros, Premiers, and a couple other sets. The only ones that I really considered was a Gnetik 3 set, only problem was the sizing wasn't quite right. 

    I don't think anything made today will play much like a traditional old school pad unless you get a bespoke old school pad made. 

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