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Posts posted by insertnamehere

  1. 9 hours ago, WillyGrips13 said:

    Ugh, is this going to be series over just as soon as it starts? I’m sure Tampa fans are loving it, but if it’s not competitive, the neutrals lose out. I didn’t see game two, where Montreal outshot Tampa, but mostly it just appears as teams in two different classes. 

    This championship will definitely have a tainted feel to it for the majority of people, due to Tampa’s salary cap situation. They’re basically $18 million over, right?

    They’re already a tremendous team, seems like everyone else is at a huge disadvantage due to the cap situation. 

    It’s annoying when analysts play the goalie battle game. One guy outplaying the other guy. Different people are shooting on each goalie. Different people are defending for each goalie. Vasilevskiy is great, but so is Price. Tampa thrashes every team and goalie. To me it’s unintelligent analysis to say it’s because Vasilevskiy is playing better than Price. 

    Montreal is hopefully just writing a dramatic comeback story. 

  2. On 6/21/2021 at 10:53 AM, SaveByRichter35 said:

    Well I guess it worked out pretty well, eh?

    edit - Well, for Vegas it did.  Maybe not so much for you guys lol

    Absolutely it worked out well, I was wrong. Given the same situation, I'd still have made the decision to go back to Fleury, but I suppose DeBoer knows way better than I do!

  3. 3 hours ago, Lucky Pucker said:

    So I’m a Habs fan, and I all but outright hate MAF… but the speculation that the Knights might sit him down tonight and start Lehner…? That is seriously not cool in my opinion. Not cool at all. Just the fact that they’ve created a situation to foster speculation is potentially undermining his confidence. How could they do that to a guy who has done right by them? Where would this franchise be - love him or hate him - without the flower?

    FWIW, I hope Fleury DOES start tonight, and as a goalie and hockey fan in general, I hope he plays lights-out (but ultimately loses a 1-0 game to the Habs… I haven’t lost my mind completely- lol!)


    I think it's a horrible decision. I very much agree with your points. 

  4. 4 hours ago, goalie said:

    Doesn't the buckle part catch on the pad?

    I didn't notice anything catching on the pad when I put them on, but along with the instructions there was a disclaimer that depending on what pad you're using there may be some rubbing, with which you might want to cover with some tape. 

  5. On 5/23/2021 at 9:18 AM, Wonder35 said:

    There's no way I'm getting all of my equipment in this thing, but I bet I could fit my leg pads in the passenger seat.

    I know the feeling ......



    When I wanted to take my Miata to hockey all it took was 4 bolts to make it a single seater, plenty of room for a bag when you take out the passenger seat. 

  6. One skate done, it's really simple to install, all you need is a flat screwdriver.

    Wearing it around the house it feels secure, but time will tell how it works on the ice. It did take a little adjustment to get the straps to the correct tightness. 

    I don't want to use a thread locker on the hardware in the event I have to remove it, so I imagine I'll have to check them every couple of skates to make sure nothing falls off. 

    The ease and swiftness with which a skate can be put on is nice, that combined with not having leather straps these days on pads will make it super easy to get ready with the time constraints we're under with covid restrictions. 


  7. So, I got these in the mail a little while ago. Very slow on the postal service's part, international shipping and whatnot, but I'm not playing right now anyways due to public health orders, so it wasn't a big deal. 


    I'm just in the process now of installing them, it looks like everything is in order as far as the parts go and I'm ready to go dad mode on my skates. 


    • Like 1
  8. 15 hours ago, estogoalie said:

    Nice. Pop-up lights are cool. Until they stop popping up/down. I had an 80-something Firebird and the lights just stayed up permanently. Or if I had a date or wanted to look cool, I'd hand crank them up/down. I guess you could always buy a new relay, but that depends on how much money you have and what your priorities are ;)

    For the Corvette, it was usually a plastic gear that wore out but you could get an aftermarket replacement in metal. 

  9. 16 hours ago, MTH said:

    US CDC today lifted mask rules. But I live in communist New Jersey, so we're wearing them here until at least 2024 I think.

    Want to get people to get the vaccine? Lift the mask mandate. What better motivation than not having to wear a mask and be in fear? 

    Wasn't there a group in Washington (not sure if the state or DC) that was doing "Joints for Jabs" or something? Get a vaccine, get some free weed. 

  10. 18 hours ago, coopaloop1234 said:

    There are tons of Canadians that are doing it. Unfortunately our assed government will still force people to take a 2 week quarantine in a hotel for $3,000.

    It's absurd. People around me are starting to get their first shots, I had mine back in March and despite being disease free, I'm still holed in with the provincial measures.

    Shit, use as a country still don't have a reopening plan.

    That's actually not entirely correct. If crossing at a land border, as long as someone has a suitable quarantine plan (basically a residence without at risk people) you can do your 2 weeks at home. 


    Quarantine hotel is for air arrivals and it's only the first few days. 

    • Like 1
  11. 31 minutes ago, coopaloop1234 said:

    There are tons of Canadians that are doing it. Unfortunately our assed government will still force people to take a 2 week quarantine in a hotel for $3,000.

    It's absurd. People around me are starting to get their first shots, I had mine back in March and despite being disease free, I'm still holed in with the provincial measures.

    Shit, use as a country still don't have a reopening plan.

    Saskatchewan of all places has a roadmap towards reopening phases. 

  12. 10 hours ago, MTH said:

    Sorry to hear. Canada? Shutting back down? I was hoping to get up there this summer for some fishing.

    Damn you canucks!

    Yep. Got to play the night before things shut down again and cherished every minute of it, just like the first and second time we shut down here. 


    I wouldn't get your hopes up about coming up for fishing anytime soon. I can't wait to get to go down to the States for some Chick-Fil-A!

  13. 3 hours ago, seagoal said:

    Do you use it with all the padding or did you remove any?  How about any before and after experiences with pucks to the arms for you?

    I don't think I removed any, it's not a hindrance to me in any way to have the added protection. 

    No experiences that particularly stand out. Haven't recalled any stingers to the arms in recent times. 

  14. 2 hours ago, seagoal said:

    I used the Vaughn padded shirt for the first time last night.  Very impressed with it overall and with my main concern being heat I was pleasantly surprised with it not being too hot.  My main goal with it is forearm, bicep, and armpit coverage.  I am currently using a V7 unit but I have a brand new V9 on the way to me today from Surrey, BC, so it is yet to be seen if I think I will need it with the new chestie.  But, this shirt was great.  I did remove the center, lower sternum pad as I do not need anything extra there and honestly I probably could have removed both of the chest pads too.  I have not once ever felt a shot to my chest, sternum, or stomach that made me feel like I need more padding.  The airy mesh on the back was really nice and I for sure could feel the air flow on my back which was nice.  I tend to overheat pretty easily and I imagine if I removed both chest pads this shirt will be even nicer for me.  I am used to wearing a short sleeve Under Armor shirt so this was a big change but all in all, no complaints.

    Unfortunately I took no shots to my arms last night so no word yet on the extra padding doing its job.

    Here's the removable padding,  very easy to remove for customizing the coverage or for cleaning 







    I've got the same or similar Vaughn shirt and have been using it for a couple years, love it. 

  15. 18 hours ago, bildeer said:

    Behold, my combustion carriage, the 2008 Toyota Avalon (pictured next to a friend's seven) 

    The Avalon was free, so I'll be driving it until the wheels fall off and when that happens, I will put the wheels back on and continue driving it. Purchased with 110k miles in 2013 and currently has 198,800 something miles and has taken me to nearly every single game and practice. I can even fit my nearly 6 foot long alpine snowboard in the back, it's pretty neat.

    AAFDparkinglot (2).jpg

    FD RX7, best looking car of the 90s. 

  16. 1 hour ago, Maxpower29 said:

    Really liked the 99 generation vettes. A lot better to daily drive than this pig. But this one is something else 

    Yeah, I'm a sucker for pop-up headlights which is why I love the C5 Corvette. If I get one again in the future, it's very likely that it would be another C5. 

    • Like 1
  17. 1 hour ago, Maxpower29 said:

    I took mine in a 98 Viper last year just to see how much fun it would be and it wasn't. Still fit. 

    I throw it in my 3500 work truck 4 door long box and drive. Very simple 

    Previously I had a 99 Corvette, with it having a hatch, it was actually easier to get the gear in than my current, more family friendly car. 

    Vipers are definitely cooler though. 

    • Like 1
  18. I'll be playing in a bit of a 3 on 3 league (cross ice games) this spring and summer, provided there's not a 3rd provincial shutdown affecting hockey, and I'm looking for advice basically on what adjustments others have made when playing 3 on 3. 

    Obviously I've played some 3 on 3 in practice or just ice rentals, but never in a manner as competitive as an organized league.

    Any discussion about 3 on 3 is welcome!

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