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Any Chromebooks Owners out there?


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I'm thinking of jumping into the Chromebook world.  I need a laptop for a course I'm going on for 2 months.  Nothing Pixelbook worthy, mostly Documents for reports, surfing the web and Netflix.

Looking at the Lenovo S330 or C330.

Any thoughts or opinions welcome!

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15 minutes ago, benner33 said:

I work in tech and heard good things about them for the simple use cases you mention. One worry would be longevity of updates but I don’t know enough on that to say anything too worrying. 

That's been a common issue brought up on many of the reviews I've read and the YouTube channels.

But I think they're marketed like cell phones.  Use for 2-4 years and upgrade to the next one.

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32 minutes ago, benner33 said:

I have a few friends that use them on the road or for their kids and parents. Seems you’re informed pretty well already. Personally I use an iPad for the same tasks with a keyboard so I don’t have personal experience beyond playing around with one.

I have a Mini 2 but it's slow and the screen got cracked by my kids.

I figure getting a laptop with all the functions of a tablet for a fraction of the price is the way to go

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1 hour ago, Trav4oilers said:

Fuck chrome books, lifelong MacBook guy here

I was a devout apple guy.  But a) I'm not dropping $1000-1500 for a MacBook to use for 2 months for web browsing, Netflix and word processing and b) being in the Google ecosystem with my Pixel 2 makes jumping into a Chromebook super easy... And c) this just in... Anything Apple is highly overrated for anything other than multimedia

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