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WillyGrips13 last won the day on August 10

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About WillyGrips13

  • Birthday 08/22/1977

Personal Information

  • Location
    Antioch, Tennessee
  • Hometown
    Huntington, NY

Current Equipment

  • Leg Pads
    Don Simmons 586
  • Review:
    Soft and with torsional flex. Works well for me.
  • Glove
    Don Simmons Matrix
  • Review:
    Asked for a baseball-style glove. This achieves that.
  • Blocker
    Don Simmons Matrix
  • Review:
    Bindingless thin board with solid, unobstructive finger protection
  • Chest & Arm Protector
    Vaughn Epic 8800/John Brown 2100
  • Review:
    Vaughn: Mobile and light with decent protection. Brown: Solid protection, relatively mobile. Heavier and hotter than modern C/As
  • Pants
    John Brown 2000
  • Review:
    Solid protection and mobile.
  • Mask
  • Review:
    Solid protection. Refurbished once.
  • Stick
    CCM 26” Price
  • Review:
    Deflects and shoots just fine.
  • Skates - Boot
    Graf 750 Goaler Pro
  • Review:
    I like Graf skates. Comfortable.
  • Skate - Cowling
    Graf Cobra
  • Review:
    I prefer traditional protection. I had the inside toe area shaved down for improved attack angle.
  • Skates - Blades
  • Review:
    It’s embedded in the cowling. I like the feel of Graf blades.
  • Knee Pads
  • Review:
    They stay in place, cushion the knees for dropping and protect well from shots.
  • Neck Guard
    Maltese used with Vaughn. Integrated with the Brown
  • Review:
    Maltese: Solid and protective. Don’t notice it while wearing. Brown: Mostly ornamental. I would advise a separate throat and clavicle protector.
  • Jock
    Eagle double cup
  • Review:
    The gray one. Protects fine.

Wish List

  • Leg Pads
    John Brown 2100/287

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  1. I noticed the driveway in the background and thought, that looks like driveways down south in Tennessee. Then I checked your profile and it says you live in Nashville. So do I. Where do you play? I’m playing in Antioch tonight.
  2. I’d argue Cujo and Belfour were pretty good for the Leafs. Otherwise, every organization seems able to develop elite goalies except for the Leafs and Oilers. Maybe Woll and Skinner will be those guys finally. I do think Skinner has grown and showed high level play at times last playoffs. If Woll gets healthy and gets some reps maybe he’ll have success. Stolarz is a solid vet that can hold down the fort and provide guidance to a young goalie. As much as I like rooting for the underdog, I’m amazed the likes of Pickard and Campbell even sniff NHL minutes. They look like beer league goalies when they play.
  3. To be fair, the early games league wide so far have resulted in high scores and low save percentages. I think it’s just early season sloppiness by all involved.
  4. Meanwhile, Saros got injured, so now Nashville is probably regretting trading him. Both sides probably regretful.
  5. The only ice hockey goalie content I like is CooperGoalie (YouTube), thecoopergoalie (Instagram). He’s a novice/intermediate goalie, but his basement is filled to the brim with vintage gear, mostly Cooper, but some other brands like Brown and Vaughn. Pretty much nothing from post-1996. Often wears a combo helmet too. He’ll do gear presentations in his basement and he also designs entire outfits that differ from session to session. And of course, @Fullright ‘s GoPro videos on here. Only place to see authentic skate saves in the wild in the year of our lord 2024.
  6. And you can still order Eagle gloves directly from them. It’s costly for a one off, more affordable for team orders.
  7. Why does this sort of thing happen in this industry? Battram had some issues like this for a while, although I think they fixed it. Remember Agatone? Similar issues. Such a shame.
  8. Sorry, I missed your reply. It is your modern retro looking set you sold after you retired from playing the first time. Or a set that looks similar.
  9. Brian’s Optik double cup. Birthday gift which I requested. I have been wearing the gray Eagle double cup for 15-20 years. It’s nice to have new taught elastic. The Eagle cup will be a back up now.
  10. Another tournament on the weekend from a couple of weeks ago. Boom Boom tournament at Centennial Sportsplex in Nashville. Went 2-2 this time. Gratuitous close up
  11. We repeated in the abbreviated summer league. It was a cool game. Both teams played a tight, clean, defensive-oriented game. It was like a late-‘90s Devil’s game. I was happy for this win. The other teams I play on didn’t fare so well.
  12. Hold on to that. It’s a collector’s item now that John Brown retired and shut down operations. I’m still using my 2100 I got back in ‘06.
  13. So in my consolation game for a lower division I play in with my girlfriend, we got grossly outshot. I don’t know if the scorekeeper had an itchy trigger finger on the shot counting, but if he inflated it, it still was an obscene amount of shots. I’ve never faced 100 shots in a game. And these are 12 minute periods. We actually had two different leads in the game! It was actually enjoyable in a perverse way. This team is a bit more about socializing than winning at the moment. A lot of our better players weren’t available for significant portions of the season. We gave up 60+ shots twice during the regular season.
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