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Everything posted by southpawtendy48

  1. You can’t just wait until you break your collarbone or shatter your larynx to get something. Luckily when it was time to wear a neckguard, all I got was a bad bruise in my sternum when it could’ve been worse, and that happened when I had just a dangler on. If you’re not gonna put both on just put the throat/neck guard on. Unless you heed everyone else’s advise it isn’t anyones fault you get hurt but yourself. And if it helps, attach the back side of your dangler thru your ear holes so it doesn’t limit your view as much
  2. It isn’t pre school if it actually does its job ? I actually like it yes, Vaughn could be doing a lot more than just playing around with magnets but I think they nailed it, just gotta upgrade their pad face more
  3. I don’t know why more pads don’t include something like this. It’s insanely comfortable and when you clip it, it’s not gonna clip off. I’m so glad this type of strapping is identical in the PVE pad. Minimal strapping but plays like a hybrid pad
  4. Wow really... Any other info on this?
  5. How much was the upcharge?
  6. Pretty sure that’s Quick’s custom graphic.
  7. This is an LT90. You arent being blind sided. They’ve done some flat out copies like this one and it’s definitely a topic of discussion. Every company has done it to some extent, but Simmons seems to do it a lot for whatever reason, whether it was a poor choice of words by @TheGoalNet he’s right on saying that they’ve copied other designs, and that doesn’t shed a bright light on people for obvious reasons.
  8. This is a GOALIE FORUM. No offense but it’s not like we come here to talk about our everyday problems, yes it does suck that people don’t have the same but that has nothing to do with what we’re talking about. I’m sure most people can agree this isn’t against them as people. When you blatantly take a mask painters design and copy it, make gear graphics, like this, that obviously look like others. Don’t tell me this doesn’t look like the LT90 graphic. whether it’s out of inspiration or giving the customer what they wanted, it’s still to some point wrong. Again, this is a goalie forum and don’t use the comparison of a completely different and more personal issue, it’s not like we are completely degrading these people. Thanks.
  9. Doubt he’ll switch from CCM lol. I love Vaughn but they haven’t been taking a lot of steps, especially with the sliding imo
  10. That looks so sick, the colorways are fantastic. It’s not often you see Vaughn gear with custom graphics, can’t wait to see it when it comes in
  11. Thanks! Might consider it in my future orders.
  12. I mean I could try emailing them except I have no idea what I’m talking about lol, so it might be easier for you to
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