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Everything posted by southpawtendy48

  1. Never posted my new-ish orange padskinz to match my team colors so here you go
  2. You’re not coming across as cold at all, I completely agree. They’ve always had issues even before that incident.
  3. Sounds like a good idea to me. Only criticism I have about the PVE is the lack of strapping and customization to the user, but has worked perfect for my skinnier legs. the upside is is that it takes half the time to get em on compared to other pads
  4. I used to have the PVE non carbon pads and it’s pretty good. No visible wear on it at all except for at the knee where I used to use the Velcro strap directly behind my knee and taking the Velcro off. Didn’t affect the performance of the pad, although having it for a few months it held up really well.
  5. I just have the pads. So can’t really help with the info about the glove
  6. Oh wow. Can you list off some of the mods? I’m planning on getting a new set of gloves since I’m on the ice a lot as to not wear out my current ones so I get exactly what I want
  7. I honestly don’t see much of a need for the finger protector as I try to be more adequate with my pokechecking. I asked not to have it in my LT98 and a puck has never found its way to there and hurt me at all. I guess it’s more of a shock absorber because I’ve taken some very hard shots to the paddle and have gotten some ringers and felt it in my hand Also, how were you able to get no dick logo on the finger? ?
  8. It also comes in handy in case a shooter pisses you off so you’re concussing them and flipping them off at the same time!
  9. How’s the blocker? I’m considering having it side by side with my LT98 (not to compare at all) i saw the blocking angle on it and it’s much like my LT98. the palm and finger protection looks nice, although I’d be removing the extra finger protection covering the pointer finger
  10. It’s likely they want to keep it a secret or they don’t have any demo sets yet or someone’s out there but we don’t know who. I’m indifferent in this subject and respect whatever reason they’re doing it but it would be nice to see if they’ve come up with new sliding technology
  11. How would you even know who’s demoing it or not?
  12. To be fair, the blocker and glove graphic look different to the pads, and at least the pads have something original on the knee rolls
  13. yes!! also because I’m eager to try it out!
  14. I might think of getting a warrior CR1 if they f*ckin had it in full right!! Yes it’s coming out in 2019, I better be impressed as I currently have a BPM150
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