I have mixed feelings about this. I think the LAX goal is a bit of a faux pas, but it's so rare and difficult to achieve that it may not warrant that much attention. Does it command a rule change? Probably not. If guys are putting stick-um on their tape to pick up and toss the puck in, sure, that could be addressed. But I think these fellas simply have an above average understanding of physics as a stick relates to a puck, from practicing extensively. It's also potentially just another unwritten thing, if you make that move, you're gonna have to answer for it.
i.e. one of my guys looked like he was attempting one of these, and an opposing player flat out told him "if you score I'm gonna punch you in the fucking face."
We need to be more conscious of the potential when the puck is behind the net, and our D really need to come to terms with the fact that this could happen, but is preventable.
For what it's worth, the broadcaster noted that he "made sure it’s legal" by keeping the stick blade under the cross bar, hence no high stick. And I think i agree overall with how it went down.