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  1. He'd quoted me 27 weeks a few months ago, but I ultimately wasn't able to order a mask at the time. Last I checked, it had jumped to 33 weeks, along with the slight price increases. Going to keep an eye out, as this may be a good time if he is at home full-time... understandably so, he only seems to get busier! Thanks.
  2. Is Michel catching up at all amid the pandemic, or has it been business as usual? i.e. has anyone received a lesser lead time than what's typical?
  3. HP29

    Warrior G5

    I'm not sure the idea is making the gear THICKER, so much as it's building it out at a modified angle. I feel like showing that overlay image of CoverEDGE+ on top of a traditional build is to demonstrate contrast, not that it's adding bulk. I could be way off, but this is how I'm interpreting what's been released. @Kirk3190
  4. I should have been more specific that I meant INT pads only, but this is a good bit of info for those who are maybe between sizes in gear in general. I’m the same as you, senior everything fits me just fine, but it’s pad height the last few years has gotten tricky. Yeah, not only is the boot stiffer, but I know Reebok/CCM use a much more open boot angle for the Premier, close to a 120° vs 90°ish on their Eflex or even other brands. I wonder if a little time and effort (WEIGHT) couldn’t close that boot up just enough to dial in, should it not quite work out.
  5. @bunnyman666 does your INT gear run narrower? I've read that an INT/INT PRO pad isn't just shorter, but also narrower and has smaller overall dimensions vs its SR/SR PRO counterpart. And there's claims that the construction and materials are of a lesser quality as well. Thought I'd pick your brain on that, too....
  6. Anyone want to chime in with some hands-on experience? My ATK leaves me a hair short on Brian's 33+1, which makes sense. But CCM's FTK puts me pretty well bang on their 33+1. (I know that's only for reference, and doesn't always translate, but I'll likely be ordering online and not be able to try before I buy)
  7. It was so much easier when pads were soft and prone to sagging. Slightly-too-tall would sit perfect after a short break in
  8. Thanks Bunny Dude! That sucks, I don't understand how I am 5'10" and don't meet the minimum senior sizing (33") in most brands hahahaha
  9. I'm wondering how Brian's sizing compares with CCM, specifically the Premier lineups and not the Eflex. I'm coming off the Alites in 33+1, that were just a tad too tall in the knee (no issues in the thigh rise), and wondering how a Premier might compare in that respect. Anyone try both brands to provide reference? @TheGoalNet - I'm looking at you! Thanks!
  10. I'm with this. I expected to shit my pants over this stuff, it's a snooze so far.
  11. The above mod is officially endorsed by yours truly
  12. I have mixed feelings about this. I think the LAX goal is a bit of a faux pas, but it's so rare and difficult to achieve that it may not warrant that much attention. Does it command a rule change? Probably not. If guys are putting stick-um on their tape to pick up and toss the puck in, sure, that could be addressed. But I think these fellas simply have an above average understanding of physics as a stick relates to a puck, from practicing extensively. It's also potentially just another unwritten thing, if you make that move, you're gonna have to answer for it. i.e. one of my guys looked like he was attempting one of these, and an opposing player flat out told him "if you score I'm gonna punch you in the fucking face." We need to be more conscious of the potential when the puck is behind the net, and our D really need to come to terms with the fact that this could happen, but is preventable. For what it's worth, the broadcaster noted that he "made sure it’s legal" by keeping the stick blade under the cross bar, hence no high stick. And I think i agree overall with how it went down.
  13. First look at combo stuff for a GSBB OG?
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