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Everything posted by TresPasser

  1. Not yet. They have promised 80$ refund after I have received the Junk Trunk but still waiting for it. I am curious to see how far this will go. ?
  2. How long you had to wait for your Junk Trunk? I ordered mine on 29th of March and still haven't received it yet.
  3. Actually it was a quite simple operation. First, I tried which size would fit my head best from the standard sizes (S, M, L or XL). The shell is the same size, at least in the bigger sizes, and the fitment is made with padding thicknesses. Luckily I visited the factory because I would have otherwise ordered too small mask. I have quite thick cheeks which is why I had to go to XL instead of L. After the first fitting, paddings were cut an glued to the empty shell. They are made of pieces so it is possible to add less or more padding to certain points according to the shape of your head. My head is apparently so symmetrical that it didn't require any special treatment. ? Only the cheek parts were made of slightly thinner material. Then started the adjusting process. I put the mask on, we checked how it felt, took it off and Mr. Karvinen added extra pieces of padding to the points where the mask didn't fit firmly. This process was repeated as many times as it was needed and the result was the best fitting mask I have ever owned in my life. Finally I got to decide if I wanted the ching sling or cup and the color and the model of the cage, stickers and straps. Mr. Karvinen also gave me a few extra sweat bands so i can try different versions. The total operation took approximately 2 hours which included a short tour at the factory and presentations and stories from the history of Wall Masks. I must say that Mr. Karvinen is a first class gentleman and deserves A++ grade in customer service. This is one good reason why all of my masks have been made by him.
  4. I have totally liked it so far. My previous mask was Wall W10 with Rubatex cushions and this SIX12 is a huge improvement. It feels very comfortable and fits perfectly to my head. Also the shock absorption has improved. One reason for the superb fit is of course that fact that I picked my mask straight from the factory and mr. Petri Karvinen (founder of Wall Masks) himself custom fitted the mask to my head.
  5. Thank you very much! ? There is something with the combination of black and gold that I have fell in love with and it has almost become my trademark. Even my previous car was black with golden rims. ?
  6. Here's some of my current gear. Somebody may notice a small addiction to a certain color combination. ? C/A: Brown 2200 Russian Spec Neck Guard: Kova Pads and gloves: Brian's Optik Skates: True One Piece Mask: Wall W12
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