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Everything posted by ThatCarGuy

  1. Ska day, ska doo, your pads are blue. Sorry for the bad editing. This was probably a world record for fastest edited photo.
  2. Interesting. Maybe I'll try and copy them into my Graf Cowlings
  3. Did you trim the cowlings or is that a factory thing (I apologize, I'm not great with recognizing skates).
  4. ESPN Winners of design contest. None of the pictures are mine.
  5. This is probably the first set of pads with a split outer roll that I actually like. I still think cardboard brown would make for some interesting goalie pads. Surely someone would make it look like they have literal cardboard boxes on their legs. Puck marks would also look like shipping damage. Like so:
  6. Small lunch boxes = small lunches. limited time = smaller meals. I wish I could eat more but I also physically can't. I try. I really do.
  7. I know exactly what you're thinking. "Why on earth does he have nothing better to do at this time of day?"
  8. Cardboard Bandits I missed the sock. Darn.
  9. Yeah I realized that after I posted that lol. Didn't bother to change it because I knew someone would poke some fun at it. Sort of Canucks? Maybe we need a color no one else has in the NHL, like cardboard brown. Or other bright colors like you mentioned.
  10. My bad. Misread that. Cardboard brown is now my vote for primary and is followed by starbucks green as a very close second pick. Also here you go: http://www.espn.com/nhl/story/_/id/25440967/uni-watch-delivers-winning-entries-seattle-nhl-design-contest
  11. I live in the Dallas area soooo, I'm not really familiar with the lack of green... That would be funny. I could live with a dark grey (or cardboard brown) primary color and a sky blue secondary color.
  12. I vote for starbucks green as the primary color and a sort of cream as the secondary color.
  13. Hmmm. You're right, it is the only thing in focus. Obviously it was meant to mean something... Potentially front row seats to re-runs of the Matrix at the movie theater?
  14. I wish I could get y'all some actual photos of my gear but I'm just kinda putting the plans for my gear here. I'm at school all day and have plenty of time to photoshop. I don't bring my gear to school though. So here you go: *pads are not mine yet. Hope to get them for Christmas.
  15. Join the club. 5'11" and only 120lbs here
  16. The design on the pads looks much deeper here than in any of the other pictures I've found of them. I like it. Care to ship them back to their home here in Dallas ??
  17. I forgot to say that my dad actually owns the 2 door convertible version of this and it will be my first car.
  18. Being born within the 21st century certainly has it's benefits. However, I don't like the music or the cars from my generation. These are where it's at.
  19. Shhhhhhhh All Bauer has to do to make the pads look nice is add one more wavy line to the front.
  20. It's been a long time since I received new skates in a pretty box like that. I miss that feeling. All (3) of my Graf skates that I have didn't come in nice pretty boxes.
  21. Thank you, I just wish I had better pictures for y'all.
  22. Oddly I think this is still a higher quality pic than mine. Yours was taken from about the same angle too! I'm too young for these references...
  23. That's exactly how I did it. Call me Mr. Ford.
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