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Jonathon v

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Jonathon v last won the day on February 9 2020

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  1. How much does this help? I feel I am great down low but get beat a lot glove and blocker high or lower
  2. In my opinion standard gets the job done as it should
  3. I have one piece true goalie skates with standard tongue and they feel great. I believe they are a bit shorter than the 2 piece and player tongues but that’s based off looks. I don’t think there’s too big a difference, and standard is fine
  4. What’s with the “triple foam or thicker soft foam inside GNetik IV knee landing “ just curious if that has any downsides and why you feel the need for it
  5. Wow! I ordered just an optik glove and it took 14 weeks
  6. just imagine if they used a cutout spine for this stick! Probably around 620 grams. Have you used this stick yet? Trav4 was saying it has better rebound control than the 2s pro and his true stick, but not as good puck handling/passing/shooting. Then again, Me playing the puck is an accident waiting to happen.
  7. Awesome! Where do you get these I am needing a backup for my 2s pro and this should be very similar. Out of stock where I look please sned a link
  8. Anyone know what leagues you can’t have a floating T in? Also is it true that a floating T makes the glove look less open
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