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Best rib protection?


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I hope some of you can help with recommendations for a C/A unit that provides maximum rib and armpit coverage.

i just underwent surgery for a lung issue, and they went in through several incisions on my right side.  The doctors have promised me that my ribs will be tender for quite a while.  And, needless to say, I'm anxious to get back on the ice!

I currently wear a DR chesty that has done a good job for 16 years.  The only weakness, which has bothered me for years, is the rib protection!!  The rib pad doesn't come up very far on the side, and I have taken some big bruises under my armpit on the right side.  I realize that this points to my technical play, but the problem comes when players try to bank hard shots off my side when I'm on the right post.  Anyway, ...

I'm in a location with no goalie equipment store, so I'm not able to do any comparisons other than photos and YouTube reviews on the internet.  I am currently leaning toward the Warrior G2 Pro Classic or the CCM Premier Pro.

Any reviews, recommendations or suggestions will be really appreciated!


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The two options are Brown or Passau, depends on what you like.  I've had both and prefer Passau.  I find them lighter and more mobile.  I overheat in Brown.  But Brown is a tank, so YMMV.  This isn't in any way a dis on Brown, he makes a quality product.  

But either one can build you a chesty that will protect your ribs.  

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Echo the sentiments above - Brown or Passau. I currently have a Passau generation 2 C/A. The rib protection is outstanding and does not hamper movement in the least. I broke a rib a few years back in my P1. This was largely due to how I wore the unit, which is to say 'very loose'. I do not want to repeat this experience. 

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