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Problem with cuff angle


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The topic is short and descriptive. I have a huge problem with how I angle my hand to cuff and wrist plate, or the other way around. And this leads to me getting pucks to my wrist, just below the sleeve. Today I stopped a slapshot there and I wasn't able to close my catcher after that. It was a close range shot where I didn't even get to BF or nothing else just stood my ground in a sort of retro style standup everything tight and cover. Someone would mention that a slapshot from that distance was very fair play while playing a practise hockey to enjoy.

It just might be me and my habit of holding the glove sort of wrist straight which opens up the pinky side of the wrist from cuff to get those pucks in. This was fifth or sixth shot that sting and shots that gave a feel have been many more for a year and half I've been playing goalie.

 Is there any way I could get over this, except build something to my gloves that would add needed coverage or change the angle of my hand. Building or modding would be easiest on two piece gloves, just move the cuff part a bit and wrist in opposite direction. But one piece gloves are a no go for this kind of modding. I've tried to teach myself the glove positioning and angling but it's been zero results so far.

I'll have to take a pic so you understand my issue here in a right way.

Edit: Quicker than ever a picture added.


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A quick solution to the problem and this might even work. It's not on place in the picture and will be moved halfway into the cuff.

That is a piece of old Koho Revolution C/A that is for spares. Inside is 2mm PE, 5mm +3mm LDfoam. The plastic sheet is the most important, there is so much material behind that is soft before wrist is getting hit. Now it should prevent the most of the energy from getting through. And this flap should not interfere with C/A sleeve that much as it's kind of outside of everything and still right there. 

One thing to do if this really works is to change the hookside velcro. It is some kind of special model with very flat profile. And it sticks atleast twice the force of a "normal" velcro. I had a hard time getting it off from the glove. And that might be good feature in some other place but here, with the flap to be moved to other glove for every icetime it can't be that sticky. 😅 Take apart take apart, redo redo.


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Have you thought about something like this? : https://www.amazon.com/gp/product/B082P6XM9K/ref=ppx_yo_dt_b_asin_title_o09_s00?ie=UTF8&psc=1

I started using these to cover my apple watch while I'm skating out. Have taken slashes and blocked shots with it, no pain (ok, shots I felt a bit, but no bruises). Because of that, started to wear them in net to see if I liked it and I do! Just a bit of extra protection never hurts.

Plus side, if you really don't want to do mods/ are uncomfortable doing mods, this is a quick solution.

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I did actually get myself a pair of Warrior wrist slash guards for the days I go in players role. But could also use them or that when tending. I used it also maybe twice before I got the Brown ready and Corona and whatever. And with Brown I thought I was safe, this was secong shot with Brown I think. But only just now I realised it wasn't really from the C/A sleeve not protecting but more of my hand and wrist angled so that it opens out for the puck.

I am into modding things for sure. 😁 I created this topic to get some ideas about how to get over this issue. It might just need some time and practise with glove angling and this extra flap for protection. But with only two icetimes per week and those being only short preheat time with few shots and then playing for the rest of time there isn't much of a practise.

And also to give out my thinking about all the manufacturers pushing the wrist plate towards "outside" to get that half ana inch of extra cover of net and opening out the wrist on inside edge. I had this problem with Warrior G2 and G3 gloves to a overload but thinking of those glove dynamics they just opened wrist out even more with my sloppy (retro)technic. 

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20 hours ago, ArdeFIN said:

It's not hurting or anything, not even sore anymore. But now it started to get that color to mark that there was a hit. Funny that it's been two days already with put any signs.


Late to the party on this one... but can you help me understand a little bit more? Are you saying that the puck is hitting your cuff and you're ending up with marks like this (so essentially you need more protection on the backside of the cuff)? Or that the way you position your glove pucks are hitting you behind the cuff and directly on your wrist?

Also, is this a problem specific to the glove pictured or have you had this same problem with other gloves as well?

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Puck hits my wrist passing the wrist plates side edge. As said above this problem was more present with Warrior gloves I've had and only occasional with others.

I've yet to have more experience with that extra flap so am not able to tell yet if it's all I need. But I'm determined to change my wrist angle and way that I hold my glove but that will take some time to happen. 

Getting a little pain is a good teacher with a whip 😈

That was the worst it got and now it's already mostly gone. I tried to realise what actually happened as it felt a bit odd to hold glove next to my legpad in tight form and still get that puck through. But with a slap shot and it just might hit the edge of my pad first and only after that got angled to my wrist which would explain the quick healing and not that much of a bruise after all.

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I have had this issue getting pucks to the wrist between the C/A and cuff of the glove. Back in the day when Miller made me a custom C/A they added this floating piece that covers that area. I removed it and added it to my next C/A. I didn't add it to my Brown when I first got it but two shots to the same spot on the wrist during the same icetime made me add it before my next skate. It is basically a piece of HD foam with the 3 straps stitched into the arm of the C/A. There is another strap that goes underneath so that it anchors the pad and allows you to adjust it. It does float and move a bit but stays where it needs to be. This has been my solution.        



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That is something I've been thinking about, but I'm worried it'll kill the wrist mobility. So far I'm happy with that flap added to glove velcros, but then again I've had no shots there with that flap so it's yet to be seen how it'll work in real situation.

Another option I've thought is open the elbow shortening I have in my Brown C/A and get maybe an inch of extra length to sleeve. That would go into the glove cuff without much problem but that's something I'll do only if nothing else will work. Another choice would be to modify the wrist strapping of the C/A and add some padding under there. Now there is only about 1/4" foam which won't do much against puck...

Many possibilities here but I'll try one at a time.

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10 hours ago, ArdeFIN said:

That is something I've been thinking about, but I'm worried it'll kill the wrist mobility. So far I'm happy with that flap added to glove velcros, but then again I've had no shots there with that flap so it's yet to be seen how it'll work in real situation.

Another option I've thought is open the elbow shortening I have in my Brown C/A and get maybe an inch of extra length to sleeve. That would go into the glove cuff without much problem but that's something I'll do only if nothing else will work. Another choice would be to modify the wrist strapping of the C/A and add some padding under there. Now there is only about 1/4" foam which won't do much against puck...

Many possibilities here but I'll try one at a time.

Glad that you haven't taken another puck there. The way that I have the strapping set up allows the piece to float a bit within the constraints of the strapping which is adjustable with the bottom strap. This does not restrict mobility or interfere with the glove whatsoever.  

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