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Making Old-Spec Pads Legal


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Is there a way to update old pads to make them legal to play with today? I'm a ball hockey goalie who has a pair of 12" wide Brian's Demons with thigh boards. I'd like to use them for ice hockey, but USA Hockey requires that leg pads be no wider than 11 inches. Could the pads be cut down, or would it make more sense to buy existing legal pads?

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3 hours ago, ilyazhito said:

Is there a way to update old pads to make them legal to play with today? I'm a ball hockey goalie who has a pair of 12" wide Brian's Demons with thigh boards. I'd like to use them for ice hockey, but USA Hockey requires that leg pads be no wider than 11 inches. Could the pads be cut down, or would it make more sense to buy existing legal pads?

It can be done, but at a lot of expense, unless you do it yourself. Not a job for the faint of heart, but can be done with regular tools. I imagine the pads in question use a core, in which you take 1/2” off each side of it and take in the sides of the face. 
If it were me, I would get legal pads. 

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