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New custom strapping option on SportMask Pro 3i

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How many times have you been hit in the head by a puck, the lower strap fastener breaks or comes undone, and your mask comes off? We see this in the NHL and other leagues all the time.  So when I ordered my custom SportMask Pro 3i, instead of putting the lower snap fastener on the mask, I had them put it on the backplate just like they already do for the upper straps. They cut a slot near the jaw for the strap and reversed the way the lower straps are installed to eliminate this problem. Apparently they already do this for their Mage masks but had never done this on other models before.

The result is a super streamlined look with no lower fasteners on the front of the mask to break (so I don't feel the need to carry spares in my bag) or come loose. My helmet doesn't come off from a puck impact, and there's more space to show off mask graphics (although my mask is white at the moment).  It's also super easy to reach back and fasten or unfasten the strap from the backplate whenever I need to.

I kinda wonder why this isn't standard on all masks.  If you're interested in this mod, call SportMask and ask for the "Shebanek option", named after the goalie who first requested it 😉  

btw you can still see a screw in the place where the snap would normally be because it's still needed to hold the chin cup strap on the inside of the mask. So, you can always go back if for any reason you decide to return to the stock setup. 

Let me know what you think and if you might consider this option on a future mask.











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Wow, this is really neat.  I too wear a Sportmask but have never thought of this.

Were you wearing a Sportmask before and if so, does this change the way it feels at all?  Did you have to make and tightness adjustments in comparison to the typical strapping?

I gotta say, now that I think of it, I'm pretty sure I have never had a clip pop off on a Sportmask and I'm on my second one, been in them since around 2017 or so.

So your mod doesn't hold any practical value for me, personally, but I find it interesting and I love Sportmasks :)

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This is my second SportMask. Both are Pro 3i models. It doesn’t change the feel of the mask at all. No change to tightness of the straps.   I flip it up and put it on exactly the same way.  I’ve had snaps busted off or knocked off before and had to stop a game to fix it. What a pain. So I thought it would be a good time to try this on my new mask order.  I also just really like the streamlined look from the front. 

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1 hour ago, Rogie said:

This is my second SportMask. Both are Pro 3i models. It doesn’t change the feel of the mask at all. No change to tightness of the straps.   I flip it up and put it on exactly the same way.  I’ve had snaps busted off or knocked off before and had to stop a game to fix it. What a pain. So I thought it would be a good time to try this on my new mask order.  I also just really like the streamlined look from the front. 

For sure, it definitely makes it look cleaner.  This would be a great way to maximize the visual appeal of Sportmasks with a paint job, too.

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