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How will you eat on Thanksgiving?


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Much to the despair of my Mom, Grandma and an Uncle, we are having a healthy Thanksgiving. Turkey is on the table, as are many vegetables. Stuffing is off the menu, as are mashed potatoes, mac'n'cheese, pumpkin pie and other bad for you things. Grandpa is for it, as he is giddy for me to get two more wins. Uncle is okay with it; Mom isn't, one Uncle and my Auntie are groaning. For all I know, there could be clandestine consumption of carbs, pies and other things bad for you not in my presence. That's okay. I really want to take the starting job. Black Friday is a day with two Stick and Puck and a Drop In, so even if I were to over eat, I would be fine.  My weight lifting program since this summer has resulted in an overall gain of ten pounds of muscle and a loss of two pounds of fat. I wasn't overweight, but I needed some muscle for the season. Who else is having a healthy Thanksgiving dinner?

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6 minutes ago, ethanallen said:

Can't vote for or against him. I am only 16. But I smell the dressing and pies now 😔 Grandpa is taking me to my ice tiles right now to divert attention from that spectacle 🤣 He's going to give me a few reps to work of Thanksgiving dinner 😀🤗

You're only 16 and dieting on Thanksgiving? My man, you need to live a little! :)

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