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  1. I switched from Bauer S170s to True TF9s back in November or so and holy hell was that ever a revelation. The boot is much more supportive and my pushes and skating are far more stable than I had been in the Bauers. The step up from x900s may not be as big in terms of build but I was blown away by how much better the TF9s felt. I've had issues with my left ankle over the past 3 years due to a tiabialis sprain that left it significantly weaker than before and the Trues have managed to do away with a lot of the issues I had with weight transfer because they support my ankle better. The only adjustment I've found is I feel like the pitch is flatter and I'm back on my heels a bit more than the Bauer skates were. I've been through pretty much every iteration of Bauer skates before the S170s and never had to adjust to this in any of them, so it was an odd feeling at first. It's not been a huge change, though.
  2. I thought of the Goalie Monkey Koho's immediately, too. BUT, that is also a different grade of pad, with none of the custom details like the straps, toe caps or catcher palm. I do see the danger of ignoring a designer's right to control the use of their work but at the same time, if something like this is strictly a one-off that can't be purchased from the original creator, is it actually a deprivation of a sale? I'd say that it's not worth losing sleep over. However, there are lots of players out there in the market mass-producing rip-off equipment designs/graphics and marketing them as such to undercut the original. I'm thinking the lookalikes to Wright's masks (down to even the names), near clones to the major gear makers pads and gloves. It might be well made, quality stuff but that's not really the point. That kind of thing I am on board with as getting into the scope of predatory copyright infringement. It's a little harder to pin the line down between homage and rip-off with this Kenesky set.
  3. This one is a little tough - if you want a very specific look to replicate Roy's 1992-93 set, you're not getting it from CCM. What choice would you have? It's a one-off that skirts the line between homage and clone. If Kenesky turned around a whole line of these and advertised them as such, that'd be different.
  4. LOL, what? Where in Canada are they making cell phones these days?
  5. Does anyone know if there are stores in Toronto with Demo sets? Are they going to have the XS as demos?
  6. Saw the Goalie Gear Nerd post on twitter with the new pads and they're finally doing 32" senior pads under "XS" sizing. About damn time. Some of us are (relatively) short and not growing anymore.
  7. Ah, good old De La Salle arena. Tiny, terrible ice, slow zamboni and giant puddles in the crease. At least it's close...
  8. I'd agree on that concept in theory if ice was always completed clean but wouldn't snow just build up in the spaces between?
  9. CCM is in the process of being sold off:
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