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Posts posted by bunnyman666

  1. 16 minutes ago, seagoal said:

    I'm not following.  How would more scoring help with gambling?  Gambling is possible regardless of the level of scoring.

    They have been fairly transparent, in a sort of diplomatic business sense, about why they want more scoring:  people who are not fans of hockey think it's boring and one of the primary reasons why is not enough scoring; they find goal scoring to be exciting. So, to get them on board......

    Point spreads, etc. The way American football is set up is perfectly set up for gambling.

  2. I have been wondering why Bettman has placed such and emphasis on scoring. Wouldn’t it make sense if gambling were to happen on the games?

    I happen to think if there was a point shot (top of the circles to the blue line) that could be a two point shot. This way, scoring could increase without changing much. 
    Do I really like this idea? No, but changing the goal size and the equipment is kinda silly IMO. 

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  3. 2 hours ago, HellCrow said:


    I sent an email to a local shop here in Montréal called ARS Sport with the photos. http://www.arssport.com/en/contact.html
    I went there a few years back to replace my blocker palm and the bottom of my old goalie pads. They did an awesome job.

    They replied back to me 2 days ago and they would be able to proceed with the repair by replacing the toe cap for 85$CAD with a 2 days delay for doing the job.


    Looks like it's going to be the way I'll go for as it will be a pro repair and the job will mostly be guaranteed if anything happens soon after.
    I'll keep you posted with another follow-up !


    I think you will be much happier with a properly replaced toe cap. 

    • Like 1
  4. Added more flump to the thigh rise by stuffing some Dacron in the thigh. There could be temporarily hotter rebounds until the new flump settles and becomes flumpy. 

    Pics to come.

  5. 3 hours ago, XCVII said:

    I have nothing to contribute to this thread except that this is how I feel about metal



    I feel the same about Rap and modern Country.

  6. I want dead rebounds, though I am loving my 1X Bauer chesty. I have modded it to be more flumpy. But I can’t help but think there couldn’t be more flumpification. So, I am putting ideas out there for the ultimate flumpy chesty.
    Flump factor 1: Use a lower end chesty, mash it around, then line the back with air gel. 

    Flump factor 2: make an outer jacket of airknit and soft foam to go over all of the floaters, which is what I have done already; just expand upon the idea a bit.

    Flump Factor 3: I could use the most whooped chesty and take the bruises but be able to hold that puck like a holding a hot woman. 
    The arms don’t need to be flumpy. 

  7. Flumpy angers the local hot shots, as they have trained goalies with not so many flumps. Happy as hell to serve!!!

    • Like 3
  8. I say it’s a fool’s errand on Jenpro, unless you just like a lot of work, as you are going to have to do a lot of ripping, then seal the holes, then repaint with Angelus paints; even then- the evidence will be minimised but not entirely off. Even on nylon and Cordura, it is a LOT of work. Unless it says “Eat me”, I would leave it alone.

    • Like 1
  9. On 3/24/2022 at 6:15 PM, Scythe said:

    it was painful while doing the slow glide to the corner hunched over on the knees 😆 i think we all can relate. After the sting wore off it was ok. 

    Ice is our friend for sure. Worked wonders with this. 

    funny story thanks for sharing and that dent is brutal! 😳


    I'll tell you guys, we hear a blocker is a blocker is a blocker a lot but take a good one to the fingers and that all goes out the window. Granted it was a weird shot that seemed like it curved just a little to the right if that's possible and found a hole 🙄 maybe my luck ran out. 

    How are you doing now?

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