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Everything posted by RichMan

  1. Just thought of looking on my phone...duh
  2. Yeah, yours runs high compared to mine. I tried to find my pic on here but wasn't successful.
  3. Coming back for a question... @Mroy31 and @coopaloop1234 when you wear/wore it, did you find the lower grey flaps useless in the design? I've seen a couple used ones out there (1S/2S) where the flaps were removed. I'm guessing it was to make more room when in your crouch. Seeing how it fits long on me, I was wondering if that would help with the fit or not. I do have the wing straps pulled as tight as they go to keep it up. No interference in the throat or mask.
  4. Do you find that you have to pull down or readjust your mask during a game now and then? I'm used to a static chin cup vs a yo-yo one. Gets annoying now and then.
  5. Bringing this back for a quick question... For anyone who's bought a 960 manufactured in 2023, does it have an elastic chin cup strap like the 940 or a regular nylon strap?
  6. If in Canada, Nash Sports
  7. I come from the school of toe straps and buckles. When I was trying to learn the butterfly technique and recoveries and slides etc, that was hell'a stressful on the ankle and knees, especially if you're no double jointed gumby. When moved to toe ties with laces, it was better but still no cotton candy and gum drops. Now with bugees/elastics, it's soooo muuuuch better and even though I still don't have any more butterfly flare as Bigfoot interviews, it allows me to continue playing with the modern style all the fresh kids are doing
  8. @keeperton I've asked the OP if he could post a pic of his set-up to better understand how he could possibly sustain such injuries with bungies. Still waiting. My original Pro-Laces are kinda tight but still allowed me to rotate my ankle properly. My Trav like Pro-Laces have even more give. My photos above give me an in between feeling. There's a mystery at hand.
  9. @coopaloop1234 so the G7 runs taller but you're still a 33"? So does this mean that the flat boot is no different than the risers on the GT2? The difference is in the shin? The knee landing spot remains the same?
  10. Skate laces alone were not helping and I don't think have 3+ inches of slack will do good on my knee landing, which means I'd hove to go back to boot straps to keep the pad up? I'd be going backwards. Pro-Laces have been great. I recently started using my own franken'setup to get a better drive with the lower portion of the pad. Still toying with the setup but feeling ok so far...
  11. Most of everything is done overseas now. They give them the "Building a glove 101" course and off they go. I'm sure there are random verification but is there an actual QC department? Who knows. After all, once they start building things, it's all about numbers thereafter.
  12. RichMan

    Baselayer thread

    @Hockey34 I've tried short sleeves before and I just don't like it for many reasons. I need the long sleeves
  13. RichMan

    Baselayer thread

    The 1.0 or the 3.0?
  14. Ok but is it just like a piece of hose or something? Can't be too wide of a tube obviously.
  15. I know but I had already bought mine before those came out, hence my mod. At 50$ a pop, I don't necessarily want to build a collection you know. After all, I only own 1 set of pads
  16. Not to derail the thread but could you post a pic? I had that idea for my Pro-Laces I was using but couldn't find something suitable that wouldn't bunch up or just fall off. Closest thing I did was a couple turns of stick tape to pinch the first 1" - 1" 1/2.
  17. OK, I'll be the first to ASK before I make a full comment or statement. Please post a pic of your pads with the bungee and I especially would like to see a shot of it from the back at the boot channel specifically. In the meantime, sorry to hear about the injury. Hope you have a full and healthy recovery.
  18. RichMan

    Baselayer thread

    Thought I'd start a talk on what's out there, different brands and models. Compression or loose fit. I prefer a loose kind of fit, not too tight. The set I've been using for the past 2 decades, the pant waist elastic has finally let go and they don't hold up as well anymore. Unfortunately the brand doesn't exist anymore. The replacement I got was the Source for Sports kit. Cheaper priced, not the best quality. I'm guessing they'll last a season or 2 at most. Your turn. *mods, if this isn't the right forum, please do your thing. Thanks
  19. I wanted to mention this realization of mine recently. The type of jersey you wear has a direct impact on how your c/a will fit/wear and perform. If I wear my Monday night SP sublimanated team jersey which is baggy as hell, my 2S Pro feels bulky and the shoulder caps seem oversized and in the way. If I wear my Laval Rocket official practice jersey on my Friday night pick up, my c/a seems a bit more streamlined, my shoulder caps aren't so much in the way and the body seems closer to me. I wear an XL c/a BTW. I believe that the new sizing rules accompanied by more fited jerseys do make a large difference in how you look, how you feel and how you play. Just thought I'd throw this out there.
  20. With Kaskisuo in Laval right now and doing quite well and having some experience at the top, Allen could go and Primeau could fall back to Laval if he doesn't bring enough A game. Hence another shot for Kassimir to be a #2 for Montenbeault.
  21. Here we go again Habs trade Monahan for future round pics that give no immediate guarantee they will be able to perform at the NHL level. Once again we throw away a good contributing player for some cash flow and possible maybes. Montreal Canadiens, rebuilding since 1994 and on...
  22. I kinda understand the frustration. It's not like breaking in a baseball glove. You can't oil it since it's not real leather and it's nothing like the Mizuno fabric/nylon gloves since goalie gloves have hard plastics, thick foams and multiple layers, all for your protection. As mentioned, it quite varies from one brand to another, and even one model to another within the same brand. And then, what we get in stores is nothing like what the pros wear. This is very important to understand. They need something that is usable within 2-3 practices tops so they can then use it in a game. This excludes their practice gloves of course. Us retail mortals have time and flexibility on our side. I'm sure that if you order custom, you could ask the company to "break it in" for you before shipping. I assume it would be the same method as buying one in the store, throwing it in the skate oven for 5-10 minutes and then working it in and then wrapping it with string or cellophane to encourage the closure. Then comes the topic of individual strength. Yes, it plays a factor in the process. I for instance have a normal sized palm but thin short fingers. Add to that a bad thumb, so my overall grip strength is not strongman worthy. Even if I hit the gym on a regular and lift weights, it's only relevant to my personal capabilities. You could implement hand grip strength exercises and forearm work as well if you wish. I'm not saying you're weak. It is true that some gloves feel like trash. I can't do shit with a CCM or True on. Bauer isn't any easier. Brian's is ok depending on the model as is with Vaughn. Warrior was the easiest but even then, I had to spend the time working it in and flexing it and taking pucks to it to get a suitable closure for my hand strength and playing demands. Is it perfect? Not really, but it keeps getting better with every drop of sweat it absorbs. Of course, for the most part, when you get to the point where your glove closes as if you're wearing those lovely winter mittens your grandmother knitted for you last Christmas, chances are the palm has broken down or the plastics and/or foams inside have cracked and that's when you start feeling every single shot as if you were facing Webber in the All-Star shootout. In the end, unless you have good connections at the top, or you've tried one of the methods suggested by myself and others here, or you found a pro-return in pristine shape already broken in, your very last option is to study Lundy videos for a while and develop his patented catching motion Here's a video from one of my mentors that might help out...
  23. That little screen is messing up my vision big time, hence why I'm less and less on it as time moves on. I might need glasses now for small close up print but I don't wanna end up with having to wear specs everyday all day...not yet at least.
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