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Lucky Pucker

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Posts posted by Lucky Pucker

  1. I think there was a pet thread, but fuck it; I’ll just put this here. 
    We had our boy go under the knife recently (to prevent his boys making more boys…) so he’s been rocking the cone for a while. Of the four of us at the house, I’m his 4th biggest fan, but had him out and thought this was equal parts sad and hilarious. 

  2. 18 minutes ago, seagoal said:

    They're really good.  I'm super impressed.

    I told my buddy here is the most important takeaway from the one I saw stressing active hands: 



    Clearly taken in the, erm… “water closet”, all I’m seeing is “how big was that shit? Do you need THIS much bum wipe, or THIS much bum wipe…?”

  3. 11 minutes ago, seagoal said:


    I'm playing in a little while which is strange for me to play on Friday and it starts at 5:45.  

    Um… what the actual fuck?!? That is a clear violation of the sacred institution of Beer O’clock - and while we all know you can only drink beer on days that end in “y”, Friday is the High Holy Day among the 7 (tied with Saturday and Sunday… and I guess Thursday. And holiday Mondays…)

    It pains me to inform you that I must report you to the High Beer Tribunal. I love hockey as much/more than the next guy, but get your priorities straight!

  4. 6 minutes ago, coopaloop1234 said:

    So another quick mockup but in Ranger colours. It's really easy to create a nice simple design, especially one that fits a teams jerseys, but it's tough to make something unique enough that it stands out.


    This one I like- but your point is well taken. Moreover, I like your current set a lot, but as you say, simple designs - however striking - mask the rather large colour zones. 

  5. 2 minutes ago, coopaloop1234 said:

    I mean, it was a ten minute mock up I did at work between tasks for a colour scheme I'm not going to get. My, I guess, main team rocks ranger colours which my pads do a good enough job of matching.

    And I get what you mean, however, that white space is two colour zones. So the flexibility does take a hit.

    That’s fair enough. I’ve never dabbled with their customizer (because Brian’s) but I remember you and others saying the colour zones are limiting

  6. 23 hours ago, coopaloop1234 said:

    Quick mock up of a design that I'm 80% happy with. Needs some tweaks, but fun to think about.

    Though, I still feel limited with Warrior's graphic options. The lower white portion of the pad are single colour zones which, like my GT2, feels like it suffocates the design process a bit.

    At least the leaks form the G6 look to show a graphic that goes across the entire face of the pad...


    Gotta be honest brother; this is not doing it for me. Too much white I think…(?) look forward to seeing other ideas though.

  7. 1 hour ago, keeperton said:

    All of those look great. I love how clean Lindback's set is and the Brian's heritage graphic is so hard to go wrong with.

    Ah - but did you catch (pun intended) the trapper fail? Metsola Dude… the Brian’s Heritage set up…? You’re doing it wrong!



  8. 4 hours ago, Chenner29 said:

    Glad I could contribute.  Hopefully it helps!  Let me know how it goes

    Well, I can faithfully report today, that I am doing absolutely nothing to help myself Tuesday… but being spoiled with beer, food, and wine at my in-laws is pretty sweet!

    • Like 3
  9. 3 minutes ago, creasecollector said:

    I'll be facing roughly same amount of time off when I return (hopefully soon) to the ice. Best of luck man!

    Wanted to give you a “like” reaction, but the house has decided I’m out of chips for the day 😕. I’ll get you this weekend!

    • Like 1
  10. 3 hours ago, coopaloop1234 said:


    Have some fun with it, It's about time you got some puck marks on your Brians set.


    You may have missed it, but I’ve stated elsewhere that I’ve trained myself to play a “resale-value-focused” style of goaltending, so this is a non-starter. It’s good for me, and the players on the other teams are most obliging.

    • Like 2
  11. 1 minute ago, Chenner29 said:

    The show is streaming on Netflix in the US, and it's pretty good.  I got into it for a little bit.

    My routine is to take a lax ball and roll out a bit to loosen up any tense muscle or.  Then I'll do a set of quadruped hip circles and finish off with a 90/90 stretch

    Make sure your entire body is flexed and loaded as if someone were trying to push you over, this helps trick your mind into adapting to the range faster.

    You can escalate the exercise from simple circles to doing a 5 second hold in certain positions where it is most difficult to attain range to try to grab a little more.  Kind of hard to explain, but if you feel particularly jammed in one position of the hip circle, hold it there and count to 5 (while still under tension).

    CARS - Controlled Articular Rotations
    PAILs/RAILs - Progessive Angular Isometric Loading/Regressive Angular Isometric Loading (two sides of the same coin)


    Awesome! thank you so much for this - and for another post you made in the “Father Time/Dead Closet” thread (I’m paraphrasing… but only just…)

    • Like 2
  12. 8 minutes ago, CJ Boiss said:

    Make sure you're drinking lots of water before you hit the ice. Start the day before. Very good chance you struggle with the heat and water loss.

    I’m typically a 2-3 litres of water a day guy, but good call! I’ll make sure to be hydrated.

  13. 5 minutes ago, Chenner29 said:

    This is fking crazy to me, not just because it's been almost a year and a half since your last skate, but we've also been in various states of Covid-related lockdown for over 500 days (that's not even counting the first cases in December/January in some areas).

    After we had our first kid (daughter), I took 2 years off and played nothing but video games and My Little Ponies.  I got a call one day out of the blue to sub, and an hour later I was at the rink sitting in my gear with 10 mins left before my game like a fucking mite/atom getting ready for his first skate ever lol.  I think it took me an hour to change out of my gear that day because I was so gassed.

    If you do anything to prep, look up some FRC stuff (Hip Controlled Articulated Rotations/CARS) and PAILS/RAILS to get some mobility back in the hips.  If you're not familiar, it's kind of like yoga but with some intentional muscle activation/engagement mixed in to build strength and trick your body into accepting the new range limits.  (hopefully that last bit made sense, I rewrote it like a dozen times).

    Do some resistance band work (monster walks, lateral strides, etc) to simulate the edgework mechanics you'll need under load.  Most of our work is short, hard pushes and stops so IMO cardio isn't really necessary.

    Get a lacrosse ball or foam roller to help with any angry muscles/fascia

    Ah - a few new initialisms and acronyms in there… would this one from Maria cover what you’re suggesting?


    As for the my little pony with the daughter, I was on the floor with my 7 year old who is equine-obsessed just last week; she has 87 and named them all. Have to admit, it’s kind of the best!

  14. 7 minutes ago, coopaloop1234 said:

    You're the opposite of a puck bunny.

    It's the same here in BC. I think with the demand of wanting to get back onto the ice, plus the fact that ice is generally less avaiable in the summer, any goalie requests for drops ins or league games are filled in a heartbeat.

    Not the same here in Ottawa as far as I’ve seen; I’m shit, haven’t played in almost 500 days, and I’ve been asked repeatedly to play - and always for free. You have a govt job, right @coopaloop1234? Why not move you and the Mrs Coop-to-be over to the national capital region? Actually, scratch the that; I don’t want leagues here to get a taste of better goaltending…

  15. 2 hours ago, ThatCarGuy said:


    Black weave, graphite grey, and white. Glove closes like a dream. Hoping to get it on the ice tonight if I can find anywhere. Not to mention this is my first ever custom set 😁

    Nice one brother! I hope you enjoy this - and I also hope it wears well, because you must be one of the members here with the most ice time per week! But it’s only gear - you go wear the hell out of it! 😁

    • Like 1
    • Haha 1
  16. On 6/4/2021 at 11:36 AM, Lucky Pucker said:

    Here in Ottawa, I heard from my 35+ league player/manager that he was contacted by the league organizers, and we are a tentative go to start in September. Are you in the GTA? Are they not even planning speculatively…? 

    As someone who goes to great lengths to fake the “responsible adult” thing, I had planned it all out for my return this September: varied and regular exercise, was going to get some lessons, and maybe have a few skates with the group I started out with. Well today, that same player/manager emailed me today to say a summer group he plays with needs a goalie Tuesdays at 9:00 - starting on the 20th.

    I deliberately briefly, but as my wife pointed out “the only concern is injury… but then if you skip this, and have a freak accident before you get a chance to play in September, that would really suck…”

    I Love that girl.

    So almost 500 days after my last ice time (March 13th, 2020) I’ll finally be heading to the crease!

    I welcome any tips and/or comments, but from what I’ve gleaned form others’ comments on this return to the ice topic, it’s sorta like becoming a parent: you can never be fully prepared, other than to know it will, to a lesser or greater degree, hurt. Bad. But it’s somehow worth it. Right…?

    • Like 3
  17. Not sure if there’s really anything to this, as some pointed out, but a buddy sent this to me. It’s at least an interesting angle:


  18. 35 minutes ago, seagoal said:

    Hmm.  I "know" you and you're a friend, but I can't detect if you are serious or being snarky...

    It's his kid's gear......haha.

    Maybe his well sculpted torso is distorting the perspective and ratios of this photo 🤔

    Aw, man - mea culpa; I was rushed, tried to fit in a comment between work/dog/hiit/go get the kids at day camp . I genuinely did not know it was his kid’s gear 😳.

    @coopaloop1234: your comments are spot on though. And FWIW, I’ve recycled that pic, having posted it for some such nonsense here before 😁

    As you were, gents; I’ll just go back to being a mediocre dad

    • Like 1
  19. 16 minutes ago, seagoal said:

    Thomas Greiss is sick new V9s


    Man - maybe it’s the shorts and t-shirt and pavement, but this totally looks like slightly-undersized street hockey gear to me



  20. 1 hour ago, seagoal said:

    I just happen to be wearing this shirt today.  Super fun time up there with the Red Wings in town.  My buddy is from Michigan and got 2 tickets for his birthday and he invited me.  Good times.  I do love Vancouver.   So beautiful and fun, plus I am a sushi fanatic so there's that.   I have....only 2 Kraken shirts :)

    My dogs are currently quite unhappy with this weather.

    Wait a second - the Wings are in Seattle? Seriously??? Cool!!! After the Habs, they’re my second fav team!!  Why are they there anyway? Is Yzerman there with them? I have a hetero man crush on him - lol!

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