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Everything posted by ThatCarGuy

  1. I used to like Volkswagen a tiny bit. Now I don't like them at all. They have defaced Texas. Texas will strike back.
  2. I am now a Varsity Bronze State Champion as a freshmen! \/ Me \/
  3. Remember, the G3 is the older line. Of course the older one will be harder to fine. I think a G4 liner will fit but I'm not sure.
  4. Lemme just start off by saying, I don't care if this is aimed at me or not, wouldn't be surprised if it is after what I've done lately (appliances and such), I'm still gonna respond. Sorry. That's why I don't play out. I miss the shot. I know they're bad. That's why I post them. I'll try something instead of appliances later. I will still have appliances in my pictures. You don't have to. Obviously that was going to say "Show Off Your Party" right? Right??? I guess @TheGoalNet doesn't like parties
  5. Well now that an eclipse cross has been posted here, I feel confident in posting my mom's vehicle. I am not a fan of this car at all. I am not a fan of hybrids or electric cars in general (thanks Clarkson). I am ashamed to admit that I ride to some hockey games in this: A Ford C-Max (even the name is bad). It's basically just a taller, hybrid exclusive, Focus. My mom's also has ZERO window tint so it's one big rolling fishbowl. As far as I know/care, this thing was a direct inspiration to the Tesla Model X (mainly looking at that windshield).
  6. It truly is such a sad thing that manufacturers are doing this to their cars. We're truly doomed now. It appears Mitsubishi has discontinued the Lancer and the Galant. DOOOOOOOOMED. No matter, it's not as bad as this monstrosity:
  7. @Lucky Pucker Would you prefer if I had watches in frame instead? I have a bunch of those. I know, a high schooler, with analog watches?!
  8. For some of us you're not wrong! For me though, a day is practically seconds long (unless it's tournament weekend where my day is almost exactly a day long). I'll see what I have to work with and go from there! Is this supposed to make me not want to post appliances?
  9. That's what that is? It's only been a day and I'm not letting go of it. I will ensure that all my new gear posts (excluding on-ice or pictures from the manufacturer) include at least one household appliance. Sorry.
  10. Alright @coopaloop1234, you win. You have ducts, Vaughn pads and whatever that blurry thing that's out of focus in that picture. You win. I failed to include a washer and a dryer. Can we make it a new rule that all new gear pictures must have a household appliance in frame?
  11. I am big dumb. What does this mean? I know what a T is and I know what a floating T is. No idea what an anchor or floating anchor T is.
  12. I thought that until all of my CCM stuff broke at once lol. My blockers (yes, blockers. two of them.) split on the corners and then CCM said it was because of large amounts of paddle down (which I rarely use). They refused to warranty my blockers, both of which I had only used for roughly a month. I have since left all things CCM and now have a Warrior G3 blocker and a Warrior G3 Pro glove currently in shipping to replace my cracked CCM glove (that glove was great. no complaints other than the wrist strap kept loosening on it's own).
  13. I couldn't either. Until I saw one the other day... They're just as bad as the photo I put.
  14. Ew. Jaaaaagggggg Sure they're expensive but they look a million times better.
  15. ThatCarGuy

    R GT/2

    Sorry everyone, but there's only one GT I like: Season 2 is out now so technically the GT/2 is available on Amazon Prime.
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