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Bauer Stabilislide / Stabiliflex Knee


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There is a difference, but it's a good one. 

Before I got my Ultrasonics I was testing out a set of 3S's. So similar pad as the US, but without the integrated knee block. Once I was in US the knee block was such a welcome addition. 

Seal is perfect, you feel far more stable, and you feel taller. I know some people don't like the stabilislide due to some clunkiness in movements while standing (never noticed) or more specifically with post integration play. 

With the integrated knee block, there is little to no flex over the pad and the thing stays put and doesn't bend over to accommodate you. I've heard that stabiliflex is a bit better in that regard, but I think this scenario is why some people don't like it. 

I never found it to be an issue due to my general flexibility, but something to note if you have concrete hips. 

@Hockey34 was on here a bit a go complaining that his Mach's knees were making a squeaking sound, but he's also a heavy user and has had them since release. 

I've had my US for over a year and play 2-3 times a week and they're in immaculate condition. 

Hope this helps. 

Edited by coopaloop1234
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I'm an old geezer with stiff hips and have no problems with Stabilislide in my Hyperlite setup.   I spec'd the Stabilislide over Stabiliflex because I'd tried it and liked it, and at the time I placed my HL order we hadn't recieved our HL demo pads with the 'flex knee blocks.   Honestly, when the stock HL's showed up, I didn't notice much difference between 'slide and 'flex, both were a huge improvement over anything I'd used previously or since.

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I've had my machs since the start of the 22/23 season and average on ice 5 days a week since then and the only thing is the squeak which is the foam moving on the bracket the actual plastic bracket is still perfectly fine

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