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Can't do anything on left side


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Don't know if this is the right forum but, 

I've been struggling with not being able to do anything on my left leg since I started playing, whether its T-pushes, lateral pushes, butterfly slides, shuffling and even standing up from butterfly  which is the one I'm most worried about. When I'm trying to do a lateral push it feels like my pad is too far in-front of me and I can't move it back and so I end up using the very tip of my skate blade or not going anywhere at all. I'm mostly fine on my right leg but I don't know how this problem is solvable?

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Is your flexibility in your hips asymmetrical - can you stretch further and deeper with your right leg than you can with your left?

If Yes, this could be one source of this issue and it is solvable with physical therapy and disciplined stretching/training.

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48 minutes ago, old but slow said:

What do you mean can't stand up from butterfly? uncomfortable? painful? not strong enough? balance issue? can't find the blade/get your foot under you? I don't understand

It might be a balance issue? I have to put all my weight on my left leg and lean on my stick sometimes to be able to get up which means I can't do quick recoveries. I struggle to find my blade I think too and I have to have it straight on the ice not at an angle to be able to stand up.

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5 hours ago, just20 said:

It might be a balance issue? I have to put all my weight on my left leg and lean on my stick sometimes to be able to get up which means I can't do quick recoveries. I struggle to find my blade I think too and I have to have it straight on the ice not at an angle to be able to stand up.

Go see a Dr. or a physical therapist. Sounds like a possible injury issue or strength maybe? Can you stand up with your left leg at home? That's probably where I'd start. Practice in the family room until you're comfortable, then put the pads on with sneakers and practice some more, then maybe try it on ice.

If it feels like the pad is getting in the way, try strapping it tighter, or looser. If you think it might be a balance thing, practice. balance on 1 foot, bend your knee and see how low you can get, then stand while still on 1 leg, then switch legs. keep practicing until you can touch the floor with the knee you're not balanced on and stand back up. As @seagoalsaid, it could be a flexibility thing, balance strength and flexibility all kinda work together.

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I’m right there with you. Getting up on my right leg is hard as it is and even harder on skates. 

And as for going down, I can easily drop my right knee down first but REALLY have to think about doing it with my left. If I try butterfly slide from a standing position to my left I literally can’t do it. 

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18 hours ago, just20 said:

It might be a balance issue? I have to put all my weight on my left leg and lean on my stick sometimes to be able to get up which means I can't do quick recoveries. I struggle to find my blade I think too and I have to have it straight on the ice not at an angle to be able to stand up.

Are you new at skating?  I see new hockey players all the time that struggle to get up, especially with their weak leg.  This is typically a strength and balance issue.  Hockey is one of the only sports where strength and balance have to be there on both legs because we use them unilaterally all the time.

It's just like the guy that can do crossovers around the circle in one direction, but not the other.  I used to be that guy.  It takes practice and repetition.

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Old but slow makes an excellent point: make sure you're not injured and make sure your gear functions properly. jayluv54 also makes an excellent point: is your skating up to snuff? You have to be able to skate and be able to cross over both ways going forward and both ways going backwards.  Assuming the problem is not one of those issues, work on getting equal leg strength. It is so key. It's natural to favor one leg or the other but you need to be able to do the same things with the left leg that you do with the right and vice versa. Bulgarian split squats are an excellent way to get equal leg strength using just your body weight. Just stick with it and it'll come. Best regards moving ahead.

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