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Brian’s optik air pillow on pads

Jonathon v

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My gnetik 3 pads getting very soft. I found a sweat deal for gnetiks 4 in my size pretty cheap. I was wondering does the optik really drop down faster? Gnetik 3 and optik both have the looser X strapping and the air pillow which is supposed to seal faster. Gnetik 4 has tight  leg channel and no air pillow? Will it really even matter

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15 minutes ago, Jonathon v said:

Do you think I will be able to adjust to the new tight fit

Everything is subjective bud.  Most new elastic strapping systems can be adjusted to be worn tight or loose.  Its a matter of knowing what works for you and dialing in the fit accordingly.

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1 hour ago, Jonathon v said:

@TheGoalNet you had optiks which is gnetik 3 strapping and went to gnetik 4. Did you personally feel awkward after being so used to the looser fit? Did you have to chance anything

Buddy I really think you're overthinking it.

You're correct ins trapping systems will differentiate form each other and will give a different feel, but most operate essentially the same.

The minute differences between the Optik and Genetik4 strapping system are only a small piece of the overall puzzle when it comes to how each pad plays and feels. And even that, many pads will be easy enough to adjust to in a small amount of time now a days.

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6 hours ago, coopaloop1234 said:

Buddy I really think you're overthinking it.

You're correct ins trapping systems will differentiate form each other and will give a different feel, but most operate essentially the same.

The minute differences between the Optik and Genetik4 strapping system are only a small piece of the overall puzzle when it comes to how each pad plays and feels. And even that, many pads will be easy enough to adjust to in a small amount of time now a days.

Alright thanks. I just want my next pair of pads to play to my style really well so I try to nail the specs

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