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First Painting Attempt

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Hi - after years of playing with vinyl and stickers, etc., I just wanted to share my first attempt at actually painting a mask. I have wanted to do a Jackson Pollock-style platter paint job for a while. While I've seen elements of that style in some masks, I haven't yet seen it featured primarily. Initially, I thought of going fully 80s with all neon/dayglow colors, but my new team has red as a dominant color so I went a different direction.

Decided on a basic red as a base then selected several different shades to layer on. Pollock used a glass enamel paint that I figured would add some significant weight and have too much of a texture, not to mention I wasn't sure if it could damage the mask. I stuck with acrylic paints (really cheap craft variety) thined with 70% isopropyl alcohol - around a 60-40 ratio. This gave me the nice streaky splatter effect when I just dipped a popsicle stick in and flicked it at the mask as I stood over it. Clear coat is just 3 coats of the Rustoleum 2x gloss spray can variety. I'm super happy with the results. The style is one that you really can't screw up, so it was fun to do because I knew any "mistakes" would just add to the chaotic look.

Anyway, curious to know what you all think and I'm looking forward to getting it out on the ice.






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