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Replacing True Blade Holders with Vertexx


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Question for those of you that swapped your stock Step blade holders with Vertexx Edge.  How well did the holes line up?  We haven't decided yet on making the switch, but boot integrity might factor into the decision to switch or not.  Did they have to drill much?  Just eyeballing the two holders they seem to line up pretty nicely.  Going from 10s to 10s.  

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  • 10 months later...

I'm going from memory, but I think the guys at the shop said they had to drill 1 more hole on each skate to make it work.  Maybe it was more than one, but it wasn't a lot.

Just one tip though.  Make sure you check your rivets every couple of months.  We had to get about 14 replaced after about 6 month.  That boot is stiff so its hard on them...

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15 hours ago, Puckstopper said:

I've done it.  Going from a 9 Step to a 9 Vertexx did require some drilling, but my boss at the shop I work at is a virtuoso, so things came out fine.


Do you find a big difference in height between both holders/runners? Didi you go custom on the boot or the GM off the shelf one?

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