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Bauer Bumps


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To my knowledge, the famous "Bauer Bump" (which I do have on both feet) is simply a Bone Spur. Your feet are in your skates for a long period of time, and skating in general goalie or player is taxing on the feet. If the skate is not a perfect fit, parts of the foot/bone will literally start to grow out to fill the space. A Bone Spur. I have them on the backs of my heels (pretty common area), and also on the inside of both feet below my ankle bones. Mine never hurt but Ive just found a skate that now fits my foot.

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7 hours ago, TheGoalNet said:

Someone told me in college it's painful as hell, never met anyone who's done it 

My heel bone spur was “partially resectioned” in my so-called “painless” plantar fasciitis surgery. I don’t know if the typical Bauer bump could be removed in the same manner with the sound wave machine or not. The old school method would be certainly more painful. 

Now that I think of it, I know women who had what we call Bauer bumps removed. Yes, they were in an orthopoedic shoe for eight weeks with some scarring. Some grew back, others did not. The ones who had those bumps grow back seldom got them done again due to the pain and down time. This was a few years back and down time may have dramatically changed. 

Glad that Bauer never fit my feet in my new hockey playing days or it would have further complicated an already complicated pair of feet on me.

I imagine that the new way of customised, multiple last construction like what is on the VH/True skate will become the way that many, if not most skates above the expert level will be produced one day as a result of easier to manufacture customised foot wear. Off the peg, I predict, will become a thing of the past for the (currently) $350 and above price-point, just with cheaper upper materials than what constitutes a pro-level boot. The thermo-formable foams take care of so much. Apparently in figure skates, a customised boot is pretty much how most people in the advanced-intermediate skill level and above buy their boots, and this has been the norm for quite awhile. When I was pondering figure skating lessons to learn how to skate even better, that option was presented to me as almost a default. I presented my foot concerns and immediately was told that my aa-width heel, e-width forefoot was no problem to fit with not much extra expense. 

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3 hours ago, SaveByRichter35 said:

How big are yours?

Not that bad, like cutting a large shooting marble in half? 

To maybe add some depth to this. This is a very minor issue for me. I wore both Bauer and CCM skates growing up, so I don't blame one brand or the other. 

It's just something that bugs me and I assume having deposits isn't ideal to have on my feet. Figured asking on here to get some basic info was easier than making an appointment with a foot dr. @bunnyman666 comment on 8 weeks in special shoes was the info I was looking for. 

Unlike many people who went the VH route, I have extremely normal feet. The 1S skates are the only ones where I have take any extra precautions with. And my "precautions" are are about as minimal as it gets. I take an extra second to get my heel into the heel lock, my issue is solved. If I get the heel bumped out a touch, I bet I wouldn't even to do that!  

The biggest issue is attending something like a conference for work. If I'm on my feet for like 8 hrs and doing lots of walking in dress shoes, my heels get sore. I have high end shoes and don't think it's a shoe issue. 

If this was something that was a quick surgery and off my feet for 2 weeks, I'd do it. Hearing 8 weeks kinda confirmed that it's more work than it's worth. 

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