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Brown 2400 Knee Pads


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  • 2 months later...

I wear them now. Beefy but curved to your leg. Little looser than my Bauer Supremes which dug into my thigh.

No slippage but they occasionally rotate. I have them attached to my pants to prevent this.

Took a clapper from one of my JV guys in practice (I'll jump in time to time) as I slid across and didn't even feel it. Got a quick cover on it.

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I had both.  Didn't like PAW but those were some of Sarah's initial designs long ago. I recently used the 2400's for 2 years. Lived them.. well built, bomb proof and high build quality as is everything John makes.  Bulky but not to the point where they're too big or cumbersome. 

Only swapped them out because I went to RGT's supplied with my Warrior pads 

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1 hour ago, Jamey_boy said:

Thanks for the reply. Would you have any idea if they are larger than the Bauer Supreme model?

No. Sorry. I used thigh wraps forever on all the Smith sets I had.  When Pete moved to Warrior I went to knee pads.  Only used PAW, Brown and now Warrior

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