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Stiff Screw Help

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@pfeiffjay54 I might try something like a penetrating PB Blaster. Similar to WD40 but I’ve had better luck with it on all things (including some seized up mower blade nuts). You can also try heating it up a bit which I wouldn’t recommend lest you compromise the shell. Worst case - you might have to drill it out. Good luck. 

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Agree with  Chile57. As a last resort you may need to drill it out. Use a slightly smaller bit than the diameter of the bolt. The idea is to avoid damaging the surrounding area but remove enough metal so you can break the remaining pieces free and remove them. Usually the remaining metal starts breaking into little pieces as you work to remove them. 

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You only need to drill out the head of the screw and not all the way through to the nut. After you get the head off you the nut out from behind and the button part will fall out too. Just did this with a Bauer 960.

I don't thing you will have enough luck that the WD40 or similar will release the screw. It is just too much corroded (rust between threads inside) and stuck because of that.

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On 2/16/2024 at 10:58 PM, pfeiffjay54 said:

How do I get this screw to loosen up? I’ve tried wd40 but it hasn’t helped yet. Just going to leave alone now and hope for help lol. Excuse the ugly paint working on sanding to repaint it.69FC6A06-CA49-4F85-85C3-CE0C8352C4BF.thumb.jpeg.4fe87522719ef4b795666a0ffbf284b2.jpeg

Ended up just drilling it out. I was really worried about drilling it out because I’ve never drilled a screw out but it ended up fine lol. New issue is the hole is even more corroded than the one above it. Don’t believe it will be an issue with the fiberglass but can’t really tell.

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You mean there is rust in the edges of the hole? As fiberglass isn't going to corrode to rust. But the rust being very strong and filling in material when it's generating (Stuck screws and what else) it can seem that there is rust in the fiberglass. It's not going to harm anything just scrape off what you easily can and leave the rest of it.

With Bauer masks atleast they use the ellipse shaped nuts that have to fit tight to the hole to hold the nut from turning around when you tighten the screws.

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