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Everything posted by SaveByRichter35

  1. Any arts and crafts store should carry them. I got mine at Michael's when I did the mold for my PC.
  2. Spread the word to your goalie friends that you found a good site to use!
  3. They're another one, yea, but, that's not who I am thinking of.
  4. There is a goalie mask cage that I constantly see advertised in the goalie facebook groups but the name escapes me at the moment. I'll keep an eye out for it.
  5. I prefer ads for hookers like in Vegas, myself
  6. Ok so say you had a paint job that you knew you wanted to stick with but would like better detail than a painter can handle. Getting a vinyl printout and then clearing it would be the next best thing, and probably cheaper too, no?
  7. Ok, so, do they get clear coated over the vinyl or no? lol
  8. Do people usually clear coat over the vinyl or just leave it exposed and hope for the best?
  9. If I ever left Long Island it would probably be for somewhere in the Wilmington/Wrightsville Beach area. I went there a lot when I was at Camp Lejeune and LOVED the area. My wife is a teacher so she could get a job pretty much anywhere but my job only has two Comm Centers, here on Long Island and the other in San Francisco. I have no desire to move there.
  10. Nice! I love the segmented floaters. Keeps everything nice and flat.
  11. Damn are those the ones you just got a few months ago when all the old spec pro pants went on sale?
  12. I've seen those videos. From what I remember, the "carbon" didn't burn.
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