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Everything posted by SaveByRichter35

  1. I feel like you're saying that as some kind of joke that I am not getting... lol
  2. That's actually one of the things I asked for on my last custom 5500 order. Its a senior sized glove but the inners are sewn down a little tighter, I think the phraseology they used was tight-knit finger stalls or something like that.
  3. I still order my pads with the thigh strap but I make them removable. I use them to carry my pads and then remove them for game play.
  4. Haha no worries. Idk how the hell he got them attached like that. I tried to do it that way too and there was no way their attachment piece was fitting over the toe bridge and getting screwed together. Dammit, that just reminded me that I forgot to get loctite when I was at Home Depot yesterday.
  5. Those are sick. I am such a sucker for 90s/early 00s pads. Post some more pictures of these!
  6. Still can't go back and edit old posts. Why is there a time limit at all? If I wanna go back and edit a post from 3 years ago I should be able to. Not a bad idea but like you said, if you're on mobile you can just touch the top of the screen. If you're on the computer you can just hit the home button. I wouldn't mind seeing a forum jump drop box though. I started reading it on Sunday before I left work but didn't get a chance to finish. I'll finish it today while I am here on over time though.
  7. Chester those are fucking sick, bro. Passau nailed those. Nice touch on the bag too. What was the flaw they found and corrected? I wish more companies were that thorough.
  8. Haha yea true. I honestly don't have many problems with it though. I've leaned to deal with it I guess.
  9. Yea I am just realizing that now as well. I've never seen that before on a message board. Pretty stupid feature if you ask me.
  10. For some reason I cannot edit my posts. Anyone else getting that?
  11. I mean how on facebook there is an actual setting that doesn't play videos on your feed automatically. You have to actually press play on them. Just saves data for when I am not connected to wifi.
  12. You should be able to edit the title yourself if you edit the original post.
  13. I miss that too. Honestly I have a hard time keeping up with the clutter of IG.
  14. In this next batch you can see the difference between my old Brown 1800 c/a that are in the previous pictures compared to my Brown 2200 c/a that are in these pictures. ^^^edit - Actually I think this one is an old one that got mixed in. Also not sure why I am using my warm up stick during a game here, hmm. The rest of these are the 2200 though.
  15. I have an organization ocd so I prefer how message boards(or most) have specific areas for specific topics. FB and IG are just random shit all over the place. Its just easier to communicate on those platforms, takes less effort. People prefer that unfortunately.
  16. You'd be surprised. Dom is a really cool guy, willing to work with a customer as much as he can. Give it a shot!
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