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Everything posted by SaveByRichter35

  1. Thank you for not saying "intensive purposes" haha. I hate when people say that incorrectly.
  2. To discuss any random bullshit in one place to avoid making excess threads. If you ever lose your stick in a scramble in front of the net be sure not to try and catch a shot with your blocker hand. It does not feel good. It looked pretty sick and got both benches up and yelling when I reached up and out to my right and caught it with my blocker hand and tipped it into my glove but shit my thumb went numb almost immediately. Thank goodness it wasn't a hard shot haha.
  3. Never getting a Cubberly before he retired.
  4. I just wasn't used to it. I had taken some time off while I was deployed to Iraq and was still wearing the old Bauer Reactor 4 pads. Plus I was just playing roller at the time. I had no idea how to do toe ties***, when I wore the Reactors I didn't use ties. So my first time out with the one95 I had severe over rotation in both directions. They were just all over the place. They lasted one period on my legs and I went back to the Reactors during the intermission haha. This is when I ended up going with the Velocity 4. ***Fun fact: This is how I found the GSBB. I googled "How to tie toe ties" and that was one of if not the first link that came up haha.
  5. All of the various c/a I bought before settling on Brown. Bauer one95 pads. It was my first, and last, flat faced "box pad".
  6. That's right, they're another one. Shark as well. I think it is just such a classic shape.
  7. Yea I am not a fan of the rest of them. Some aren't into the Harrison style. To each his own, eh?
  8. Yea that is my preferred shell shape. Not a fan of the others. Reason I was always drawn to Pro's Choice, Warwick, Eddy, Hackva, etc.
  9. Yea??? I had no idea that he did a Harrison shell!! All of his shells are pretty much the same. I assumed( I know I know) his Belfour was just his normal shell with triangular vents.
  10. You should be able to, they changed the setting to allow us to edit our posts now.
  11. Oh and I agree with whoever mentioned it earlier, Bunny. May as well edit the OP and change the title to the Protechsport Mask Thread.
  12. What I meant by the rounded shell comment was that all of Protechsport's masks seem to all be some kind of rounded off shell. That picture of the Belfour mask looks like that classic angular Harrison shaped shell and I know Ed wore a Warwick for a long time. The description on Protechsport's website says triangular vents but I can't find a picture of the shell itself. I could be 100% wrong, I have no idea. That very well could be Protechsport's Harrison styled shell. I would love if someone could confirm that.
  13. Pretty sure that is a Warwick, not a Protechsport. I can't find a picture on his website that shows all of the molds but all of his masks seem to be more rounded(the shells, not just the vents). I did a head mold for my Pro's Choice it wasn't that bad. My wife, gf or fiance at the time, helped me with it and had fun with it. It's really not as hard or scary as it may seem haha. I was so upset when I found out he was retiring. I wanted one of his masks so badly. We emailed quite a lot when he was more active on the GSBB. When he was available I didn't have the cash. Then when I had the cash he was backed up so I went with Pro's Choice. Unfortunately I think that decision damaged the relationship I had made between Ed and myself. Something I didn't intend to do. It is what it is though.
  14. No branding in the palms of the gloves? Sick sets none the less. That's some thigh rise. Are they different sizes? The pads on the right seem to be shorter.
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